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Friends of the Earth Melb news Nov 2022

In pre-State election Nov news, put climate and the environment on the agenda, and back community-led transformation. Support community solidarity during the floods, join a climate action photo at the beach, tell the Vic Liberals to up their climate game, stop logging and more!

FoE Melb community forums

Put climate & environment on the agenda at candidate forums

Candidate forums are a great opportunity not only to get your issues raised in front of candidates, but also other community members. The more people hear about climate change and environmental issues at these events, the more likely they will become top agenda item and get the attention it deserves. With any luck, we might even get some last minute commitments from the candidates and inspire some policy announcements.  The most important thing to do is attend, better yet bring along your friends and family to the event!  Read more.

Back community led transformation

It's communities that are taking the lead in transforming Victoria. From Gippsland to suburban Melbourne to the Great Ocean Road, communities have come together to envision a future that doesn't just combat climate change, it secures jobs for workers, accessibility for everyone and centres the sovereignty of First Nations people.  Communities are providing the leadership and vision: are the candidates at this state election going to back them?  Read more & get involved.

FoE Volunteers

Volunteer with Friends of the Earth this election!

Join our network of volunteers to get involved with our campaigns for climate and environmental justice ahead of the Victorian State election this November. We need your help with things like stalls, letterboxing, outreach, events, and more to raise awareness about our campaigns to protect forests, invest in better public transport and reduce climate emissions!  No previous experience needed!  Read more & register to volunteer here.

Support community solidarity during the floods with our list of contacts here and send us yours.

Show your community solidarity in a time of climate crisis with FoE Aust here

Say no to new gas at a Healthy Futures rally outside the AGL AGM in Melbourne here.

FoE Melb climate action photo
Brighton beach climate action photo

The Victorian State Election is fast approaching and community members around the state have already indicated that the climate crisis will be a key issue influencing their votes.  But we have a problem - both the Victorian Liberal and Labor parties' climate policies are still missing crucial pieces needed to tackle climate change with the urgency required this decade.  Join us for a creative community photo on Brighton Beach, at noon on 12 Nov, to highlight the fact that the major parties' climate policies still have missing pieces required for them to align with climate science demands.Info & rego here.

Media release: Vic climate action in public hands

Victoria’s Andrews government has announced a visionary plan to reach 95% Renewables by 2035, end the state’s reliance on coal generation, and establish a publicly owned corporation that will see the public hold a controlling stake in new renewable energy projects.  “This is a breakthrough moment for Victoria’s plans to transform the energy system to act on the climate crisis, that will accelerate the rollout of renewables and put it in public hands,” said Pat Simons, Friends of the Earth’s renewable energy spokesperson.  Friends of the Earth says the commitment is a significant step to reversing the problems caused by privatisation.
Read more.

FoE Melb Vic Liberal climate action petition
Tell the Vic Liberals to up their climate targets

The Liberals have substantial work to do to build trust with communities on their climate commitments and scale up their ambition to align their policies with the goal of keeping global warming below 1.5C. A commitment to match, or exceed, the Labor government's new climate targets from the Victorian Liberals would be welcomed by the families, small businesses and communities around the state who are already dealing with the costs of intensifying climate impacts.  Read more and add your name here.

Mt Bogong forest

Take action against logging threat on Mt Bogong

Victoria’s highest mountain, Bogong (Warkwoolowler in the Waywurru and Dhudhuroa languages) is protected in the Alpine National Park. It connects with the old growth forests of Mt Wills via the Long Spur. This high elevation ridgeline between the mountains is the route by which the famous Australian Alps Walking Track (AAWT) leaves Bogong as it heads towards the Snowy Mountains. The 700 km long AAWT crosses the Alps from Walhalla to the outskirts of Canberra.  Now logging threatens the area between Bogong and Mt Wills. It is a remote and largely wild area. The logging will extend the logging road network into the headwaters of the Big (Mitta) River and potentially put the old snow gum forests on Mt Wills at risk from fire.  Read more & sign the petition here.


High country forest Mt Stirling

Send a message to stop more High Country logging

A considerable number of areas of forest on and around Mt Stirling are due to be logged soon (November 2022 onwards).  This will have significant impacts on tourism (a number of the areas will be cut along the popular Circuit Road), will further fragment the important alpine ash forests on the mountain, and threaten the viability of older alpine ash and snow gum forests up slope due to the highly flammable nature of logging regrowth.  Read more & email the Environment Minister here.

FoE Melb Better buses petition
Sign the Better buses petition

Communities across the state are calling for frequent, connected and electric buses to reduce emissions, create local jobs and connect our communities.  Will Victorian Minister for Public Transport Ben Carroll listen to the community and commit to better buses, or continue to cause climate damage by building more mega roads?  Read more & sign the petition here.

Nuke-free Oct news

In our October Nuclear Free News you can read about the many reasons why nuclear power is not a viable solution to climate change, and how the vast majority of the radioactive waste planned to be stored at Kimba is unnecessary waste produced by ANSTO.  Read more.

Email petition to dump the dump

Urge the Labor decision makers to Dump the Dump and abandon the nuclear waste dump plans before this gets any more ugly. 
Read more & email here.

Listen to 3CR Dirt Radio episodes on on uranium in NT drinking water, and the Community Gas Retirement roadmap here.

Join the Food Coop here.


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