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Australia is the third biggest uranium miner in the world.

By joining forces with Traditional Custodians, we can stop the toxic nuclear chain at the source. 

Better active today than radioactive tomorrow!

Australia does not want or need a nuclear industry. Uranium mining, nuclear reactors, nuclear weapons and radioactive waste threaten the health of people and the environment now and far into the future. It is unsafe, uneconomic and unnecessary.

Your donation will support the fight against destructive mining projects, poisonous waste dumps and misleading pro-nuclear propaganda.


Help create a nuclear free future!

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Countering Dutton's nuclear push

August 12, 2024

Dutton and his allies are pushing their nuclear fantasy and they are pushing it hard. Friends of the Earth is working with other organsiations on the Don't Nuke the Climate Australia campaign to counter all the misinformation with facts, and to support the targeted...

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