On this episode we will catch up Laura Sykes - Friends of the Earth’s Sustainable Cities collective coordinator to talk about all things transport, climate change and anew campaign that is being launched called Better Buses in Melbourne’s West.
This is Dirt Radio - Friends of the Earth’s show on 3CR - where we dig in deep about what is going on around at Friends of the Earth and in the wider grassroots activist community.
We also find out about Friends of the Earth International's push to postpone the COP26 climate negotiations over COVID safety concerns, particularly for Global South contributors who are facing huge inequality when trying access life saving vaccines, and also what Friends of the Earth more locally is doing to ensure Australia does its fair share of lifting in terms of reducing greenhouse emissions.
Dirt Radio Action Alerts!
Get involved with the Sustainable Cities Team
Take action to call for better buses.
Take part in a day of action to call on stronger Australian targets for COP26 (if it goes ahead!)
Dirt Radio is hosted by Friends of the Earth Melbourne volunteers, and airs live on Tuesdays at 9:30AM AEST on 3CR, 855AM in Melbourne, or online at 3cr.org.au/listen.