This week on Dirt Radio - Lucinda, Mareta, and Phil catch up with Friends of the Earth's Anthony Amis and Michelle Baxter from the Strzlecki Koala Action Team and find out why the koala issue is a lot more complicated than first glance.
This is Dirt Radio - Friends of the Earth’s show on 3CR - where we dig in deep about what is going on around at Friends of the Earth and in the wider grassroots activist community.
Also on the show we take a look at GECO's work to save the Greater Glider, and the shock announcement that Australia has entered into a new defence alliance, AUKUS, and is pursuing nuclear powered submarines.
Dirt Radio Action Alerts!
Get involved with the Strzlecki Koala Action Team at Friends of the Earth here.
Get involved with protecting Greater Gliders by joining the crew at GECO, or with the Friends of the Earth forest collective.
Say no to nuclear submarines in Australia with this petition, and read more information about the decision here.
Dirt Radio is hosted by Friends of the Earth Melbourne volunteers, and airs live on Tuesdays at 9:30AM AEST on 3CR, 855AM in Melbourne, or online at