Update from Barngarla Traditional Owners: We continue to oppose the nuclear waste dump and highlight to the Government that it is hypocritical to be advocating for a Voice to Parliament when they are ignoring ours.
We have some news regarding the court; the judgement regarding the Kimba case will be delivered on July 18, 2023 at 10.30am at the Commonwealth Law Courts Building in Adelaide.
This year’s NAIDOC Theme is a special one ‘For Our Elders’ Barngarla people have many elders who have led the way as leaders and teachers in our community. Enders who fought long and hard for our Native Title rights and also our ongoing battle with the Federal Government against a nuclear waste dump being built in Canberra. This week one of the BDAC Directors Harry Dare was awarded with the Port Augusta NAIDOC Male Elder of the Year, Uncle Harry was recognised for the role he has played in advocating for Barngarla rights, language and land –including his efforts to elevate the voice of Barngarla People over the nuclear waste dump at Kimba. Uncle Harry expressed his thanks to supporters here: https://youtu.be/PSOaKcQLXEE
Uncle Harry receives the Port Augusta NAIDOC Male Elder of the Year Award.
In other news, we have been blown away by the response to our online petition started by Mahalia Bilney in February. Today we have 13,349 signatures and we hope to see that grow.
The Petition calls on Minister King and Prime Minister Albanese to listen to the Barngarla people and scrap plans to advance the nuclear waste dump at Kimba.
We thank everyone for signing and sharing. Please continue to share the petition and encourage people to support us: https://chng.it/C2zzvDT56K.
Aunty Dawn Taylor at the Napandee site, November 2022.
Also we have heard that a group of local and EP residents has formed in Whyalla to actively oppose the Kimba plan and the transportation of nuclear waste through the Port of Whyalla. Aunty Dawn Taylor attended the inaugural meeting to share Barngarla's concerns.
This continues to be a David and Goliath battle and we will not give up the fight to protect our country.
Please take a minute to watch our message to Canberra here: https://youtu.be/i5XR4OETxiY
Follow our Facebook page for updates: Barngarla: Help us Have a Say on Kimba.
Thanks for your continued support and efforts to help stop this nuclear waste dump – not just for Barngarla People but for all Australians.