2024 is the year to get out on Country and support First Nations crew who are fighting nuclear and military colonialism on their lands.
Wed Feb 21 6-8pm Nuclear Free Collective ANFA TRIP banner painting sesh: join us upstairs at 312 Smith st in Collingwood for our action meeting. We'll be paining a banner that will come with us on the ANFA Trip and will continue with the Peace Walk Against AUKUS to Canberra.
Tue Mar 12 Uncle Robbie Thorpe's Tribute to Uncle Kevin Buzzacott: join us at Camp Sovereignty in the evening for a tribute to the anti-nuclear legend Uncle Kevin who dedicated his life fighting nuclear colonialism and radioactive racsim at his dear lake Lake Eyre and in solidarity with other. Come and listen, share and learn from what Uncle Kev has taught us and how we can continue his life work. For updates on this follow us on fb or insta.
Thu Mar 14 - Tue Mar 19 ANFA Meeting Rad(ioactive) Trip: A bunch of us are driving up in a minibus to help out at the Aboriginal led Australian Nuclear Free Alliance (ANFA) annual meeting from March 15-17, ending in an anti AUKUS action at Port Kembla and the beginning of the Peace Walk Against AUKUS.
Tue Mar 16-17: this weekend is the 1 year anniversary of Anthony Albanese signing the AUKUS deal of buying secondhand submarines from the US. Actions are planned all over the country to oppose AUKUS. See here for actions near you.
Mon Mar 18-April 17: Uncle Winniata and Beyond Uranium Canberra are walking from Woolonging to Canberra in honour of the late Uncle Kevin Buzzacott as part of the first anti-AUKUS protest march and one of the first anti-nuclear walks on the east coast. You can join the walk at any point and for however long you like. This is such a unique experience, we highly recommend it. For more info and how to join see here.
March 26- April 6 Keepers of Lake Eyre Reunion Camp: On 26th March 1999, Arabunna elder and peacemaker Uncle Kevin Buzzacott called people to come to lake eyre, to create an ongoing community camp, to take action, to inform the public, and to care for the lake. Join a crew of people that have walked with Uncle Kevin over the years remembering and revisiting Lake Eyre South. More info here.
June 10- July 21 Muka Fire Tour: June 10-30 Maree - Lake Eyre Walk in honour of Uncle Kevin & July 7-21 Spending time with Aunty Sue Hasseldine on Kokatha Country to learn about the rocket launch facility that is functioning there and its implications for animals, land and people, especially as the dust that these rockets bring up is still radioactive from the British nuclear bomb tests on that land.
Follow us on fb or insta or get in touch via [email protected] for more info on any of this.