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Nuclear Free News September

In our September Nuclear Free News update you can read about the lobbying firm paid to push Morrison's nuclear waste dump plan despite community opposition, the SA Premier throwing his support behind traditional owners trying to stop a nuclear waste dump, UN Chief's reaction to nuclear threats and a 'reassurance' of federal government that the AUKUS nuclear submarines will be built in Adelaide.

Nuclear Power

Small modular reactors: What is taking so long?

The debate will rage on, but one thing is certain: SMRs won’t be markedly contributing to global grids any time soon.

Germany: No option but to permit Russian uranium shipment

Environmentalists have called on Germany and the Netherlands to block a shipment of uranium aboard the Russian ship Mikhail Dudin, but the German government said that it can't stop the shipment of Russian uranium destined for French nuclear plants from being processed at a site in Germany because atomic fuel isn't covered by European Union sanctions on Russia.

Nuclear Waste Dump

Premier backs traditional owners in saying no to nuclear waste facility

Premier Peter Malinauskas has thrown his support behind traditional owners trying to stop a nuclear waste facility being built on Native Title land near Kimba on the Eyre Peninsula.

Barngarla people say NO to a nuclear waste dump (NITV - The Point, September 18, 2022)

Meet the lobbying firm that pushed the Kimba nuclear waste dump for the Federal Government while claiming “commitment to Indigenous Australians”

Having pocketed six years worth of consulting fees campaigning on behalf of the federal government for their proposed nuclear waste dump in SA, Australian Public Affairs claims "success" as the Barngarla people of the Eyre Peninsula continue to fight the dump through the courts.

War, Weapons & Subs

Russia’s nuclear threats ‘totally unacceptable’, says UN chief

“The idea of nuclear conflict, once unthinkable, has become a subject of debate. This in itself is totally unacceptable,” Guterres said.

SA Premier says Australian government has 'reassured' him nuclear submarines will be built in Adelaide

Mr Malinauskas said he had spoken to Defence Minister Richard Marles several times over the weekend "both in person and over the phone", who had assured him the federal government remained committed to building nuclear submarines in Adelaide.


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