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Nuclear Free News November

In our November Nuclear Free News update you can read about the nuclear lobby trying to desperately push nuclear as a solution for climate change at COP27, the poor decision of Resource Minister King to start 'site characterisation works' at the Kimba nuclear waste dump site despite a pending legal case by Barngarla Taditional Custodians, Australia dropping opposition to treaty banning nuclear weapons, an analysis on the interests behind the AUKUS and nuclear submarine deal, and more...

Nuclear Power

Nuclear Power Is Not the Answer - Anthony Frogatt

"As world leaders convene at COP27 to discuss the global decarbonization agenda, they should focus on the technologies that can be deployed rapidly and universally. That means de-emphasizing nuclear power, which was no longer competitive with solar and wind even before this year's geopolitical turmoil."


Nuclear Waste Dump

Criticism over site works for SA nuclear waste dump

The Albanese Government has come under fire after it confirmed preliminary works will begin at the site of a proposed national nuclear waste facility on the Eyre Peninsula, despite a Federal Court challenge to the project still being underway.

Radioactive waste works ‘pre-emptive and unjustified’- Australian Conservation Foundation Media Statement November 15


Uranium mining

Mining company URO applies to explore for uranium on Litchfield National Park's western border

Melbourne company URO Corporation in September lodged an application to explore for uranium, lithium, rare earths and precious metals on 299 square kilometres of land in Litchfield National Park, Northern Territory. There is no way this should be allowed to go ahead. As the cleanup of Rum Jungle and Ranger show, there is a whole string of problems with rehabilitation. And that is aside from the affects this would have on the local communities, Traditional Owners, the pristine environment and the radioactive waste it will create.

War, Weapons & Subs

Australia drops opposition to treaty banning nuclear weapons at UN vote - The Guardian

While Australia was yet to actually join the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, the shift in its voting position to “abstain” after five years of “no” is seen by campaigners as a sign of progress given the former Coalition government repeatedly sided with the United States against it.

Former U.S. Navy leaders profited from overlapping interests on sub deal - The Washington Post

"Hellyer, the Australian defense analyst, said it is hard to envision a scenario under which Australia would receive its first nuclear submarine before 2040. With the Collins-class vessels scheduled for retirement a decade from now, that could leave Australia without submarines for eight years. “I can’t really see what the way forward is at the moment,” he said. “The whole thing has been completely disastrous.”"

‘Target Oz’: Defence Strategic Review must address nuclear risks - David Noonan

"The US ‘nuclear weapons umbrella’ is a threat to use nuclear weapons in Australia’s defence policy – a threat that has long been contrary to International Humanitarian Law and is now illegal since the Ban Treaty came into force as a permanent part of International Law from 22 January 2021."

UNHRC adopts resolution on Marshall Islands' nuclear legacy -RNZ

The Marshallese people are still struggling with the health and environmental consequences of nuclear tests, including higher cancer rates. Many people displaced due to the tests are still unable to return home.

Fallout: Living in the Shadow of the Bomb

In an incredibly moving piece recorded on country at Wallatinna, Karina Lester shares connection to country and ancestral knowledge, stories of family and the inherited stories from the impacts of the British testing of nuclear bombs at Emu Field.

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