Friends of the Earth were pleased to attend the official opening of the Kiata wind farm today, and say the project is renewable energy success story that highlights the need for the Turnbull government to hit the reset button on energy policy.
The completion of the new wind farm comes amid reports the national Renewable Energy Target will be met two-years ahead of schedule. This surprising result shows it's time for PM Turnbull to address his government's energy policy failures by restoring the RET.
“The Kiata wind farm was built thanks to Victoria's Renewable Energy Target (VRET) and is the type of policy the Turnbull government should be emulating," said Pat Simons, Friends of the Earth's renewable energy spokesperson.
“There's a reason five states and territories around the country have adopted renewable energy targets. They work."
"The Turnbull government can avoid the pitfalls of policy adventurism like the NEG by restoring the Renewable Energy Target."
The wind farm was opened by Victorian Minister for Energy and Climate Change Lily D'Ambrosio a day after news that the national Renewable Energy Target (RET) will be met ahead of schedule.
In 2014 the Abbott government slashed the RET by 20 percent, a decision that saw 2,500 people to lose their jobs and investment to collapse by 90 percent. Now that investment has finally rebounded it's time to capitalise on the momentum behind wind and solar power.
Windlab's nine-turbine Kiata Wind Farm was built using wind turbines manufactured by Keppel Prince in Portland and will provide enough clean electricity to power 23,000 homes.
“Kiata wind farm is a renewable energy success story delivering jobs and investment to regional Victoria. It's no wonder communities around the state want more wind and solar wind built in their area," said Pat Simons.
Friends of the Earth's Act on Climate spokesperson Leigh Ewbank said the Kiata wind farm will help the Victoria meet state climate change laws:
"The Wimmera community can be proud of its role helping to power Victoria and tackle climate change," said Leigh Ewbank
"The Kiata wind farm will contribute towards Victoria's legislated target of net-zero emissions by 2050."
"Reining in emissions and protecting the community from climate impacts is something all political parties can support."