Kelvin Thomson, the member for the federal electorate of Wills, has endorsed the campaign by the Victorian climate change movement for the closure of the ageing and dirty Hazelwood coal fired power station. It is possible to replace it with a mix of energy efficiency measures and renewwables. In doing so we would generate many new jobs.
Kelvin Thomson, the member for the federal electorate of Wills, has endorsed the campaign by the Victorian climate change movement for the closure of the ageing and dirty Hazelwood coal fired power station. It is possible to replace it with a mix of energy efficiency measures and renewables. In doing so we would generate many new jobs.
Such a move would be a 'break-through' move by the state ALP in an election year. It would drive down Victoria's greenhouse emissions, save huge quantities of water, generate many new jobs and drive innovation in renewables.
In last weeks Energy Future report released by Energy Minister Peter Batchelor, the Premier said that we need to "move Victoria away from its historic reliance on coal, oil and gas to generate energy'.
Replacing Hazelwood with renewable energy would be a good first step in this process. It would be warmly welcomed by many Victorians.
Please email Mr Thomson, outlining your support for his statement: [email protected]
And please email your local members, calling on them to do the same. You can find their address here.
While you're at it, please encourage them to support a strong Climate Bill! Info here.
More details on our work here.
And the Age report on Kelvin available here.
many thanks
Cam Walker
Friends of the Earth