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Pages tagged "Coal"

Friends of the Earth respond to Victorian Greens’ proposal to close all coal stations by 2030

Friends of the Earth (FoE) welcome the Victorian Greens’ proposal to shut down Victoria’s remaining coal fired power stations by the end of the decade.

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Workers killed by police at a Bangladeshi coal fired power plant

Friends of the Earth Bangaldesh AKA Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association or BELA, have made calls for an independent investigation into the shooting of coal plant workers by police back in April that left 7 people dead.

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Friends of the Earth: Yallourn coal closure “too little too late" on climate

Today, EnergyAustralia, the owner of the coal-burning Yallourn power plant in Victoria, announced that the facility will close in mid 2028.

Friends of the Earth say the proposed 2028 closure date for Australia's most polluting power plant is "too little too late" on climate:  

"The best available science tells us that countries such Australia must reach zero emissions as soon as possible," said Leigh Ewbank, Friends of the Earth’s campaigns coordinator.

"In the context of the climate emergency, EnergyAustralia's proposed 2028 closure date is too little too late."

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Say No To Coal-To-Hydrogen In Victoria

Hydrogen is currently considered the next ‘big thing’ in green energy and storage. However, while hydrogen can be made simply using water and renewable energy, it can also be made using fossil fuels. There are currently attempts by fossil fuel proponents, including the Federal government, to co-opt this green energy opportunity to provide a lifeline for ailing coal and gas. 

However, right now there is a chance to take action.

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Part 2: The Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain

In Part 1 of our hydrogen blog series Energy Justice Victoria offered an explainer of the upcoming 'hydrogen economy'. We demystified hydrogen, why it presents a unique alternative to fossil fuels when done right, and why everybody seems to be talking about it.

If you missed out on reading the explainer, you can catch up here.

Today, we tackle the next issue on our list: What is the Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain (the HESC) and how does it relate to the fossil fuel industry in Victoria?

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Coal failure warning: Get the facts about energy this summer

The Australian Energy Market Operator has warned that due to more extreme weather such as bushfires and heatwaves, and the increasing unreliability of aging coal-fired power plants, there is a heightened risk of blackouts occurring this summer. Australia’s energy debate has been paralysed by ideology and misinformation for years -- make sure you get the facts.

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Fossil Frontlines Community Tour

Victorians know that we are facing a time of climate and ecological crisis. 

Winter has only just finished and we are already getting warnings of a horror bushfire season, with farming communities in the grip of severe drought.

But whilst Premier Andrews has taken commendable action on climate in the past, there is a huge hole in his government’s climate action. 

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The Energy Justice collective - campaigning for justice as we transition from coal

The well-known and much-loved Quit Coal Victoria collective from Friends of the Earth Melbourne has decided to rename itself as the Energy Justice Victoria collective. We love our supporters and know many people are passionate about Quit Coal Victoria’s work, and so we wanted to explain to everyone why we are renaming ourselves and why we are so excited about it!

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Yallourn closure wakeup call: Vic needs a real transition plan

The Herald Sun and The Age have reported that the Yallourn coal fired power station could close earlier than expected, possibly within six years. 

This is a wakeup call: Victoria needs a real transition plan for the Latrobe Valley that delivers good sustainable jobs for the community.

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