This year we’re taking our message for a safe climate straight to the people that matter most – the voters. This year we’re asking you to join us for the first ever Great Suburban Walk.
Sunday 15 August
The Great Suburban Walk
There’s a federal election on its way, yet our political leaders continue to backflip, delay and deny on climate change. With so much at stake, it’s time for the community to put climate action back on the election agenda.
On Sunday 15 August Friends of the Earth is joining with Environment Victoria and the Victorian climate movement to hold the 2010 Walk Against Warming to demand that our political leaders face up to their responsibility on climate change. We’ll remind them that to secure our votes, they must ‘Walk with the People, Not the Big Polluters’.
This year’s Walk.
12.30pm Sunday 15 August
This year we’re taking our message for a safe climate straight to the people that matter most – the voters. This year we’re asking you to join us for the first ever Great Suburban Walk.
The Great Suburban Walk will take place in Victorian marginal electorates, including Melbourne, LaTrobe and Deakin. In each of these key electorates we’ll coordinate hundreds of Victorians to come together for a quick rally calling for climate action. Following this, with your help we plan to letterbox the entire seat with our key climate asks to make sure that voters in those electorates know what actions our leaders must take on climate change. We’ll also work with regional climate action groups who want to take the Great Suburban Walk to their home towns and are keen to letterbox parts of their electorates.
This means that less than one week before the federal election, up to 300,000 of the most influential voters in Victoria will receive our safe climate message.
Can you help us reach 300,000 voters with our safe climate message?
Find out what we’re asking the politicians to commit to on climate change.
We need your help - Register Now.
Please register for The Great Suburban Walk at We need you to register so that we know if you’re attending, where you can help with letterboxing, and so that we can coordinate the logistics to reach as many people as we can.
If you have a bit of extra time on your hands we’d love you to help us make the walk happen. To find out about volunteering opportunities and how else you can get active on climate change this election click here.
Please forward this email to your contacts, friends and family. With your help, we can reach hundreds of thousands of people with a safe climate message during this federal election campaign.  Register now.
For more information go to or contact Josie Lee on 9341 8118 or [email protected]