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Walk 2 #BuildMM2

People walking down a street cheering and jumping in the air

Join a decentralised, personalised, Covid-safe community walk 19-25 October in support of the Melbourne Metro 2 (MM2) rail line proposal to increase sustainable public transport as part of Melbourne’s clean recovery.

The COVID -19 pandemic has made clear the need for public transport that reduces both crowding and number of connections.

The North and West are Melbourne's fastest growing areas, but they're severely under-serviced by public transport.

MM2 is the vital next addition to our public transport network, creating a crucial link between the North and West, and increasing capacity across the whole rail network.

Will Transport Minister Jactina Allan be remembered for building polluting toll roads? Or sustainable public transport? 

Sign up or donate here >>>

Sustainable Cities is a local grassroots campaign working with our community to fight for a more connected, sustainable and equitable Melbourne.

The event will take place on the lands of the Wathaurung, Woiwurrung and Boonwurrung peoples. Sustainable Cities acknowledges that sovereignty was never ceded and that urban planning and mobility are inextricably linked to First Nations struggles.

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