On Wednesday 3 December, locals gathered at Paul Hamer MP's office to take a stand against the North East Link.
Residents sent a clear message to Mr. Hamer, member for Box Hill, that the community does not support this dangerous project.
Locals are particularly concerned about the dangerous levels of air pollution from the $16 billion North East Link project.
The Environmental Protection Authority has been denied access to air quality data currently being collected by the North East Link Project.
The State Environment Protection Policy (SEPP) particle pollution limits are being ignored by Environment Protection Authority, the Environmental Effects Statement, and North East Link Project.
Children in 11 kindergartens near the project will be exposed to unsafe levels of pollution.
Associate Professor Dr. Vicki Kotsirilos AM, an expert in Environmental Medicine, said that “Under the North East Link project, the levels of air pollutants such as Particulate Matters 2.5 and Nitrogen dioxide will increase with the proposed vehicles expected to use the freeway to exceed 135,000 vehicles per day, which will ultimately impact the health of children as the freeway is planned to be constructed within 50-100 metres of childcare centres and schools. The health of elderly will also be impacted."
Local resident Barry Watson said “The North East Link’s air quality study was a sham. Schools, aged care facilities and sporting grounds near the project will be exposed to unsafe pollution levels.”
“We are urging our government to rethink the North East Link” said Claudia Gallois, Friends of the Earth’s Sustainable Cities spokesperson, “the community’s health is under serious threat.”
Media Registration: Claudia Gallois, Friends of the Earth media liaison, 0448 752 656 [email protected]