We have until August 11 to stop a massive seismic blasting proposal in the Otway Basin that will impact whale habitat and endangered marine life, Southern Sea Country, commercial fisheries and the Zeehan Marine Park.
Seismic survey companies TGS and SLB-Schlumberger have sent through a proposal to get regulatory approval from NOPSEMA for seismic blasting over 55,000 sq km of the Otway Basin, offshore from Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia.
Seismic air guns blast sound up to 250 decibels (louder than the Hiroshima bomb) every 10 seconds, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for months on end. The blasts inevitably cause whales harm if not death, through hearing loss impacting their reliance on echolocation for navigation, communication, breeding, feeding and migration.
Seismic blasting kills marine life and displaces fisheries.
The Gunditjmara Traditional Owners oppose seismic blasting in their ancient waters.
These plans must be refused to protect our oceans, marine life, Gunditjmara sea country and whale songlines.
The companies leading this project TGS and SLB (formerly Schlumberger) are currently under investigation for serious breaches of environmental legislation and regulations in Commonwealth waters.
Exploring for fossil fuels during a climate crisis is criminal. Demand NOPSEMA reject the seismic blasting proposal.
It is vital that community members add their voice to concerns regarding the environmental, cultural and social impacts of seismic blasting in the Otway Basin.
What do you think about multinational companies seeking approval to conduct seismic blasting in a massive area of the Otway Basin to detect fossil fuels? Have your say below...
- Southern Ocean Protection Embassy Collective (SOPEC): sign the Citizens Protection Declaration, Instagram, Facebook
- Otways Climate Emergency Action Network (OCEAN): website, Instagram, Facebook
- Surfrider Foundation: website, Facebook, Instagram
- Ocean Protect Warrnambool: Instagram
- Fight for the Bight Port Fairy: Facebook, Instagram
- Surfers for Climate: website, Instagram, Facebook