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Friends of the Earth Melb news March 2024

In March news Strzelecki koalas appeal and proposed forest reserve, rare old snow gums, community forum for better buses, offshore wind update, stop seismic blasting, firestorms blackouts and recovery efforts, climate resilience inquiry submission and frontline alliance, nuclear-free events, rising tide film and more!

Strzelecki Koala Appeal – can Strzelecki koalas survive this century?

We need your help to protect this special koala and the habitat it relies on for survival. Without your help, the Stzelecki koala could soon be at risk!  Make a donation today and help us reach our $10,000 target!

FoE proposes a new 18,000 hectare koala reserve in Mullungdung State Forest

koala in gum tree

Friends of the Earth have proposed to extend reserve areas within Mullungdung State Forest in the south east of Gippsland. Between June 2020 and September 2023, Friends of the Earth conducted 413 RAPID SAT koala surveys and some random scat searches totaling over 2900 trees at Mullungdung State Forest. A total of 44 survey days were involved in the project. 344 scats were found. Almost all of the surveys were conducted by FoE landuse researcher Anthony Amis. The surveys reveal a possible koala population of perhaps 600 animals in Mullungdung, potentially 24% of the entire Strzelecki koala population, the most genetically diverse koala population in Victoria and South Australia. It is crucial that the State Government acknowledge the significance of Mullungdung and act accordingly to reserve at least 18,000ha of koala habitat.  Read more & support SKAT.

Community forum: why is the west still waiting for better buses?

Community forum better buses for the west

In recent years the community voice in the West demanding Better Buses has become louder and louder, with community actions and forums and local council calling on the Victorian Labor Government to act on their bus plan. But nearly 1000 days since Victoria's Bus Plan was released - we're still waiting at the bus stop! Join our community forum to ask the questions - why is the bus plan stalling? What needs to happen to get buses on our roads? What kind of bus system will get us to school, uni, work or the shops? Read more & RSVP.

Stop TGS seismic blasting in the Southern Ocean

Seismic blasting does immense destruction to marine life all in search of fossil fuels that the climate can't afford. We need everyone to tell their federal representative that they need to pressure Resources Minister Madeleine King to oppose this permit - today! Send an email now urging your Federal Represenative to contact the Resources Minister today and ask her to immediately contact NOPSEMA and NOPTA telling her of the scale of public opposition to this project and others like it. We ask you to please customise your email and the subject heading to make sure that your own voice is being heard. Read more & take action.

Southern Ocean offshore wind update

Environment organisation Friends of the Earth have welcomed the federal government’s declaration of the Southern Ocean offshore wind zone, saying it’s a sign that an ecologically sustainable offshore wind industry is achievable. The total size of the exploration area has been significantly reduced, reflecting the need to protect sensitive marine ecosystems like the Bonney upwelling, a globally significant blue whale feeding area. This demonstrates that an ecologically sustainable offshore wind industry is possible and underscores the need for the federal government to prioritise protections of the environment and cultural heritage as it establishes the industry. Read more.  

Support FoE's Yes to Renewable energy work by donating here.

Sign a FoE Aust petition supporting Local Energy Hubs here.

Rising Tide Victoria short film screening + Q & A at FoE Melb Thurs 18 April

Rising tide paddle out protesters

In November 2023 thousands of Australian's gathered in Newcastle to blockade coal ships out of the world's biggest coal port. The blockade made headlines across the globe. Join us for a short film screening and Q & A on this inspiring people's movement.
Where: Friends of the Earth Melbourne, 312 Smith St, Collingwood  When: Thursday 18 April from 6.30pm - 8pm
Nibbles will be provided.  Please book your spot via Humantix here.  Tickets are limited. Please note, this venue is not wheelchair accessible. We will be running a series of similar events at accessible venues in the near future.

Climate resilience inquiry submission

climate resilience inquiry have your say activists

The Victorian government is running an Inquiry into Climate Resilience, which will look into the preparedness of communities facing climate disasters across the state. This is an opportunity for you to share your experiences, stories, concerns and ideas for climate adaptation. Do you think Victoria is prepared for incoming climate impacts? What do you think the state needs to do to prepare? Our submission guide outlines the submission process and makes it easy for you to have your say to ensure VIC's climate adaptation is community led. Read more & make a submission.

Frontline climate alliance Victoria

The alliance will build grassroots power for community led adaptation solutions, and build pressure on the Victorian government to act on climate adaptation.  Communities need to make the case for the government to create a dedicated fund for climate adaptation. Through solidarity we can share knowledge and skills with each other as communities battle the same impacts. This call will progress discussions about climate impacts this summer, our responses and solutions. We will share how grassroots communities across Victoria can benefit from a campaign for a Community Climate Adaptation Fund. The next meeting at 12noon, 25 March is being held online, read more & RSVP.

Call for a Climate ready Victoria

Climate action is more important than ever, and Victoria needs to continue to lead the nation both on mitigation and climate disaster readiness that protects communities and ecosystems.  That’s why this year we have put forward our ‘Climate Ready Vic’ proposal to the Victorian State Government- it's a suite of policies that we think will make sure we put our best foot forward to face a new climate reality, and make sure no one is left behind as we transition from reliance on fossil fuels and adapt to the climate conditions of the 21st century.  Victoria needs to transition away from its current reliance on fossil fuels as soon as possible, and FoE continues to campaign for a rapid and full transition to energy efficiency, renewables and storage. We see enormous opportunities for Victoria as the state develops offshore wind projects. Read more & take action.

Fire storms blackouts in Victoria

Regular evacuations, loss of lives, homes and power are our new reality. Think of this summer: early bushfires in Gippsland, followed by flooding in the east, and then flooding across much of northern Victoria. And now wild storms and more fires - more frequent disasters will undermine the ability of individuals and their communities to recover. These ‘compound disasters’ demonstrate the climate impacts that we need to adapt to. Climate science makes it clear that we must radically reduce greenhouse gas emissions now if we want to have a hope of avoiding catastrophic climate change. But we also know that we are already locked into many decades of impacts, and this weeks events show we have much to do.  Read more & support recovery efforts.

Old snow gums under threat

Climate change threatens snow gum forests

Across the mountains of south eastern Australia, climate change is already driving profound change. In many places in the high country of NSW and Victoria, snow gum forests are facing a double sided threat: dieback, caused by a native beetle is killing individual trees, and climate change driven fire regimes are devastating vast areas of the high country. Climate change, drought, insects and soil microbes are all thought to contribute to dieback. The spread and impacts of the beetle appear to be super charged by climate change (more beetles surviving because of milder winters and more mortality of water stressed trees in summer). Read more & send an email.

Important upcoming nuclear-free action

FoE Melb nuke-free events & actions 2024

2024 is the year to get out on Country and support First Nations crew who are fighting nuclear and military colonialism on their lands.  Keep posted on important upcoming nuclear-free events including a tribute to Uncle Kev, national day of action against AUKUS, and peace walkers.  Read more & join in.

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