In Jan-Feb news, get climate ready, remembering and responding to future fires, building biocultural climate resilience, nuke-free 2024 on country news & events, protecting forests and koalas, responding to the Port Phillip Bay Coastal Hazard Assessment, gas substitution roadmap 2.0, wind power, plus more!
Support FoE Forests campaigning into 2024
We need your support to resource our work to protect and restore forests and advocate for a transformative transition that builds the resilience of ecosystems and communities and centres Indigenous co-governance and land management. Part of this work includes hosting community trips (join our Ghost Forest walk in April here) to visit special Alpine places under threat of bushfires and the impacts of climate change. Support a rescue plan for snow gum forests email here and please support our forests campaigning with a donation.
Koalas vs. plantations
Watch our new koala video explaining the impacts of the plantation industry on Strzelecki koalas, and please share. Donate to support our citizen science koala mapping project and campaigns, thanks!
Climate Ready Victoria proposal
Victoria needs to transition away from its current reliance on fossil fuels as soon as possible, and FoE continues to campaign for a rapid and full transition to energy efficiency, renewables and storage. We see enormous opportunities for Victoria as the state develops offshore wind projects. We also have a range of short term specific proposals for the state government. Read more & please sign this letter to the Premier Jacinta Allan. Call for a Community Climate Adaptation fund for Victoria here, and join our next Frontline Climate Alliance meeting here.
Biocultural climate resilience – bringing First Nations & Environmentalists together
As an environmentalist, my assumptions, perspectives and values have been challenged over the last two years since working on Indigenous-forest management with Djaara. Through difficult conversations, walking on Country with Traditional Owners, scientists, environmentalists, foresters, students, everyday people, MPs and representatives from all levels of government, I more deeply understand the breadth of perspectives, sometimes contradictory priorities, and unwavering endurance of positions when it comes to caring for and managing our forests. Read more.
Remembering Black Saturday and responding to future fires
If you were in Victoria on February 7, 2009 you probably have a memory of that day. The air was like a blast furnace, so oppressive it was hard to be outdoors for even a few minutes. Coming at the end of the Millennium Drought – often seen as the worst drought recorded since European occupation - the land was parched and dry, and the 7th saw extreme bushfire weather conditions. Although many firefighting personnel had been deployed across the state the night before in anticipation of the expected extreme conditions, once the fires started on the 7th there was no stopping them. Read more.
Nuke-free 2024 on country news & events
2024 is the year to get out on Country and support First Nations crew who are fighting nuclear and military colonialism on their lands. Read more & join in.
Media coverage: Responding to the Port Phillip Bay Coastal Hazard Assessment
Friends of the Earth and the Act on Climate collective jumped on the radio on both Geelong community radio station, Pulse FM and Dirt Radio on 3CR to discuss the release of the Port Philip Bay Coastal Hazard Assessment. Listen to the recordings to find out what it means for some of Victoria's coastal communities and the actions we need to take to prepare. Read more & listen here.
Media release: Victorian Gas substitution roadmap 2.0 - does it go far enough?
Friends of the Earth Melbourne welcomed the release of the second edition of the Victorian Gas Substitution Roadmap (VGSR). The first edition of the VGSR released in July last year explicitly named fossil gas and recognised the household and climate savings that can be achieved when households and commercial buildings switch from gas to renewable energy for heating, hot water and cooking. However it disappointed when it fell short of describing a practical pathway out of gas for Victoria, the heaviest domestic gas using state in Australia. Therefore hopes have been high amongst climate and energy analysts and campaigners for the second release to be more robust and ambitious in scope. The second edition of the VGSR is nearly that. Read more.
Media release: Victorian Off-shore Wind Auctions kickstart in 2024
Environmental justice group Friends of the Earth welcomes the Allan government’s announcement today it will kickstart offshore wind auctions in 2024, a big step forward for climate that will power 1.5 million homes with clean renewable energy. “Offshore wind will play a critical role in acting on climate change, powering 1.5 million homes, and creating a real transition pathway for regions like Gippsland with thousands of new jobs” said Pat Simons, Friends of the Earth’s renewable energy spokesperson. Friends of the Earth also welcome the Allan government’s position that oil and gas style seismic blasting is not necessary for offshore wind, and the industry can instead use High Resolution Geophysical (HRG) surveys, a more sensitive way to map the seabed and other geological features. Read more.
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