Hosted by Friends of the Earth Asia-Pacifc, Friends of the Earth Melbourne, and Black Spark on the unceded lands of the Wurrundjeri Woi Wurrung First Nations Peoples of the Kulin Nation
Join us for a very special event with a panel of First Peoples speakers from Palestine, so-called Chile, Argentina, Malaysia, and Wurundjeri Country here in so-called Victoria.
Facilitated by Syrian/Palestinian activist, writer, and advocate Nathalie Farah, we will be discussing the impacts of colonisation and occupation on Indigenous lands and in Palestine, including forests, soil, biodiversity, and water, followed by a Q&A.
We will touch on international solidarity movements and the intersection of environmental issues and colonisation. We are thrilled to be joined by one of Palestine’s foremost environmental experts Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh, visiting Australia for the first time, in conversation with local and international Palestinian, First Nations and environmental justice advocates. Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh is a Palestinian scientist and author.
He is a founder and director of the Palestine Museum of Natural History (PMNH) and the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability (PIBS) and teaches at the University of Bethlehem and Birzeit University.
- Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh, Palestine
- Jasper Cohen-Hunter, Gunung-Willam-Balluk man of the Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrung People
- Marisol Salinas Caicheo, Mapuche Huilliche Indigenous woman from the WallMapu/PuelMapu so called Chile Argentina and member of LASNET (Latin American Solidarity Network)
- Meena Raman from Friends of the Earth Malaysia
- Abeer M. Butmeh, Coordinator of PENGON, FOE Palestine
Stick around for nibblies, music, and mingling after the panel and connect with others working to grow the global solidarity movement for peace, land rights and environmental justice. We will hear music from out Ms Onur Kurt. A singer, born in Melbourne, her music and soulful voice are influenced by her Turkish roots as well as Western influences. She founded The Kismet Project in 2019, performing Anatolian, Psychedelic, Middle Eastern, gypsy, and classical Turkish songs. She will be joined by Tony Mité on Accordian and Rayan Aridi on percussion.
Copies of Friends of the Earth International’s 2013 report ‘Environmental Nakba - Environmental injustice and violations of the Israeli occupation of Palestine’ will be available by donation.
All ticket sales and donations on the night will be split between Friends of the Earth Palestine, the Palestine Museum of Natural History, and Pay the Rent.
This event will be a space free of racism, including zero tolerance for anti-Palestinian, islamophobic and anti-semitic communication and behaviour.