Your continuing support has enabled the Sustainable Cities collective to keep working towards a more liveable and connected Victoria.
Today, we're launching our initial view of what an economic rescue package should include for the transport sector so as to strengthen the transport sector while protecting people whose livelihoods are being disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Whilst the Andrews government continues to frame our economic recovery on the Big Build, we must ensure that these major transport infrastructure projects are ones that will benefit our communities, not destroy them.
Sustainable Cities is working with locals to hold the North East Link Project accountable and calling on the Victorian Government to stop all early works.
Projects like the $16 billion North East Link toll road will lock Melbourne into a future of car dependency and decimate precious parkland.
Instead of more investment in megaroads, what we need is:
- Better infrastructure for walking and cycling in the city and the suburbs;
- Upgrades to the public transport network to improve accessibility for everyone in the community.
- A commitment to funding integral public transport infrastructure like Melbourne Metro 2; and
- Investment in a new fleet of Victorian-made trains, trams, and electric buses
Many Victorians are rejoicing as the COVID restrictions gently lift and a return to normal life looks imminent, but for people with disabilities lockdown life is normal life.
Much of the state’s transport system remains inaccessible and unreliable, leaving people with disabilities stuck at home and unable to participate fully in life’s opportunities.
Sustainable Cities has partnered with the Disability Resources Centre to call for an end to #LifelongLockdown.
COVID-19 will change the way our society operates, but we can't go back to business as usual. Let's ensure that Victoria's recovery package is one for the people, not for big corporations.
COVID-19 has impacted the transport sector, and without sustained pressure, we'll see more congestion on our roads. So join the moment, and let's work towards a more liveable, more connected and decarbonised future for all Victorians.
Claudia, and the Sustainable Cities team