The Rally aims to draw public attention to the destruction of our native bushland by the State Government's "growth-at-any-cost" policy of building freeways -- instead of promoting alternative modes of transport. Melbourne, Feb 24 at midday.
Wednesday 24 February from 12-2pm
on Parliament House steps
The Rally aims to draw public attention to the destruction of our native bushland by the State Government's "growth-at-any-cost" policy of building freeways -- instead of promoting alternative modes of transport.
The Rally will coincide with a motion to the Legislative Council by the Greens MP, Sue Pennicuik, opposing construction of the Peninsula Link -- which would destroy much of The Pines Flora & Fauna Reserve (220 hectares) near Frankston.
Other important areas of native bushland and wetlands due to be bulldozed for roads in Greater Melbourne and beyond include:
* Browns Mountain (S-W Victoria)
* Coomoora Woodland Flora & Fauna Reserve (Keysborough)
* Belvedere, Witternberg & Pobblebonk Reserves (Mornington Peninsula)
* Devilbend Reserve (Mornington Peninsula)
* Westerfield Heritage Reserve (Mornington Peninsula)
* Bushland in the Cities of Banyule and Kingston
Comedian Rod Quantock is M.C. and the rally will include speakers, entertainment and press coverage.
Join the Rally to Save our Bush and bring as many others as possible!