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Protection for East Gippsland’s Kuark forest a welcome first step

Kuark_forest_Oct_2017.jpgMedia release – Tuesday March 27, 2018

National environment group Friends of the Earth (FoE) has welcomed the announcement by the Andrews government that it will increase protection of the Kuark forest in East Gippsland.

The state and federal governments have extended the Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs) for another two years and announced protections for East Gippsland.

FoE campaigns co-ordinator Cam Walker said “RFAs have been an unmitigated disaster for native forests. It is essential that the state government put a moratorium on any logging that may affect endangered species while the scientific and economic reassessment is conducted.”

“The Kuark forest is an incredibly significant area that combines cool temperate and warm temperate rainforests” said FoE campaigns co-ordinator Cam Walker. “The long running community campaign, led by Goongerah Environment Centre (GECO) has made this remote forest into a major Victorian issue”.

“We welcome this additional protection and call on the government to incorporate these newly protected areas into the Errinundra National Park. There are other important old growth forests still unprotected in East Gippsland and we will work with GECO and others in the community to see them fully protected”.

“This is a good start, and the next step must include the moratorium, the creation of the Great Forest National Park in the Central Highlands, and a full transition package for workers in the native forest industry”.


Cam Walker 0419 338 047

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