In late December 2019, the Federal government quietly announced that they are underwriting a new gas generator plant with APA Group, Dandenong (1), to be co-located with APA Group’s existing Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) storage facility at Greens Rd, Dandenong South. Some 18 gas-fueled engines are to be installed and 7 kilometres of gas pipelines laid to connect to the existing electricity network. (2) A similar 320 MW gas-fueled power station plant is in operation at Laverton North covering a land area of 32,726m squared, located 15 kilometres from the CBD.
Proposed APA Gas-fired power plant site (Google maps) |
Laverton North Power Plant (Google maps) |
Risks to health Gas-fired power produces high emissions. The Laverton North power station’s EPA licence only allows usage during peak periods. Neighbouring staff said noise from two exhaust stacks was similar to a “jumbo jet taking off”. (3) Burning natural gas emits nitrogen oxides and particulate matter, affecting the air, causing adverse health outcomes including shortness of breath, heart attacks, and premature death. Gas power plants are often concentrated in socioeconomically and environmentally disadvantaged communities impacting health. (4) Burning gas fuels climate change. ABC’s Australia Talks surveys 2019 found “Climate change … registers powerfully in the Australian home as a personal threat … (and) was the leading worry; 72 per cent of respondents said it would affect their lives”. (5) |
Laverton North Power Station commissioned in 2006
Risks to the environment |
Risks to green jobs For more info contact Friends of the Earth Melbourne or get involved with FOE ACT ON CLIMATE campaign.