Welcome to Friends of the Earth Melbourne May news. Calling activists to join our Organising training workshops, seeking artists for Nuke free art auction, help stop seismic blasting, and save bus reform. Changing climate feedback, Snow Gums rescue plan, guided forest walks, and more!
FoE Organising training workshop series
The Sustainable Cities and Act on Climate collectives are banding together to run a series of fortnightly workshops on organising skills, from May - August. The Organising training series is for anyone interested in building their activist skills. It aims to build capacity in our collectives and broader movement. Read more & RSVP.
Tell us about what you're noticing in the changing climate here.
Nuke free art auction artist call out
Friends of the Earth's Nuclear Free Collective is holding an art auction June 30 and we'd love your creative contributions!
Read more and register art work.
Save homeless meals program petition
Please help the Homeless Womens Peers support group and sign their petition to save the Melbourne homeless meals program here.
Backgrounder on ConocoPhillips plans in South West Victoria
First they blast. Then they drill. American oil and gas giant ConocoPhillips has announced plans to explore for gas in commonwealth waters as close as 8km from the coast of Warrnambool. Before any exploration begins, the area is scheduled for a series of seismic blasting surveys, to be undertaken by CGG. Communities have until June 2023 to participate in consultations and input into the environmental impact and risk assessments. Here's what you need to know! Read more & take action.
Urgent action to save bus reform
Bus reform for Victoria is at risk! If there is no major commitment for funding in the 2023-24 budget, we may not ever see the big, bold transformation of our bus network to one that is fast, frequent, connected and serviced by electric buses. The Victorian government is expected to slash funding for public transport, the public service and health in the 2023-24 budget! This includes delaying major public transport projects like the Airport rail by 4 years or more. Projects like the Western Rail Plan are also set to be delayed, meaning the West are once again being left behind. Read more & email action.
Rescue plan for Snow Gums
Across the mountains of south eastern Australia, climate change is already driving profound change. In many places in the high country of NSW and Victoria, the Alpine Ash are in freefall as more frequent fires are leading to local collapse of Ash communities. More regular and intense fires have led to loss of seedlings in many burnt areas before they can produce seed. Once you see these changes, you can’t unsee them. The endless stands of grey dead trunks. The loss of the old trees. The thickets of flammable regrowth. Every trip to the mountains reminds you that we are seeing ecological collapse in real time. There are many things we must do to respond to these existential threats, especially to radically reduce greenhouse gas pollution. We must also manage the impacts of climate change on these ecosystems. Read more & add your voice.
Guided walk to Mt Willis
Mt Wills itself is a magical ‘island in the sky’ of isolated snow gum woodland, largely dominated by older trees. While it is connected by the long and high ridge back to Bogong, mostly the land around the mountain falls away to deep river valleys and forests that are initially dominated by Alpine Ash. The higher mountain areas are largely intact, although significant areas have been burnt, often several times in close succession, in recent years. And now there is a threat posed by logging in the area where the AAWT/ Long Spur track starts the climb up to Mt Wills, which would create a large clear cut area of more than 100 hectares. If this concerns you, please join us for a walk to Mt Wills on Saturday 20 May. It is about a 90 minute walk up a good 4WD track to reach the summit, where we will explore the old growth snow gum woodlands. We will then lead interested people to visit some of the forests along the AAWT that are listed to be logged. Read more & register.
Forest allies trip to Nunniong State Forest
Come along to this forest allies trip to Nunniong State Forest on the weekend of 20 & 21 May, register here.
Walk to the Lt Dargo November
The state government logging agency, VicForests, intends to log a total of 11 “coupes”, or sections, of mature forest in the upper Little Dargo River. These coupes are located in a series of clusters, where separate sections of bush will be harvested, creating a large zone of cleared land over time. Extensive roading networks will be needed to access the coupes. There is a growing community campaign to oppose this destruction.
In 2022 and 2023, Friends of the Earth, in conjunction with the Treasure family, who have grazed cattle on the Dargo High Plains for generations, have hosted a number of walks to show people the headwaters of the catchment and surrounding area. Over the cup weekend (November 4 – 7) we will be hosting another free guided walk. The walk itself will happen on the Sunday 5 November. This is a free trip, open to anyone with a moderate level of fitness. Numbers are limited so you will need to rsvp.A full gear list and details on where to meet will be sent once you rsvp. Read more & RSVP.
Volunteer with Friends of the Earth Melb here
Join the Food Coop here
Listen to 3CR Dirt Radio episodes here