Over the past three years, Friends of the Earth (FoE) has been working to gain protection of significant areas of north eastern Victoria and the Victorian high country that are at risk from logging. We have also been highlighting the need for the state government to act to the threats posed to the higher elevation forests by climate change driven bush fires.
With the announcement that logging will end on public lands, there is still a huge amount of work to be done in the high country.
This is a summary of our current and recent work in the high country, and a list of ways to get involved in the campaigns.
We acknowledge that these forests exist in the Cultural Landscapes of the unceded sovereign lands of Victorian Traditional Owners.
Mountain forests to be protected from logging
In a welcome move, the Victorian government announced in May 2023 that on January 1, 2024, all native forest logging on public land will end in the east of the state. This brings forward the planned logging shutdown from 2030.
This is great news for the mountain forests of the north east. In the final few months before the end of logging, we kept a close watch on the key areas identified below to ensure there was no last minute logging. You can read our report on threats to the forests of the high country here.
We are now waiting for the government to announce the consultation process which will decide how these forests will be managed into the future. This is expected to be be announced in spring 2024.
Places to Protect
This report (released in 2024) outlines the areas in the Central Highlands, Gippsland and north east Victoria that we think need to be protected in the government process which will decide how to manage forests now that logging has ended.
Specific areas of concern
Over the past four years, we have focused on the following key areas because they are largely intact and have not experienced severe logging previously and sit within a broader protected landscape which will be damaged if logging is allowed.
Mt Wills area
Mt Wills is an 'island in the sky' - a small plateau which supports old growth snow gum woodlands, surrounded by lower valleys. It is connected to Victoria's highest mountain - Bogong (Warkwoolowler) by Long Spur. There are impressive, older alpine ash forests on Long Spur, below the Mt Wills summit, which are scheduled for logging. Dense, flammable regrowth from logging operations would pose a direct risk of intense fire to the uphill old forests of Mt Wills.
Public walk to visit the areas due to be logged (March 18, 2023). Details here.
Mt Stirling
Mt Stirling is a famous and popular spot for cross country skiing, walking, mountain bike riding, trail running and four wheel driving. It has up to 11 areas of forest scheduled to be logged. Logging will have dramatic impacts on recreation, as well as fragmenting the high elevation forests that circle the summit area.
What is at risk at Mt Stirling? Summary of proposed logging.
Report on FoE survey trip to Mt Stirling, NOV 2022. Available here.
Our short video on Mt Stirling (Nov 2022). Available here.
The Little Dargo
The Little Dargo is a special, un roaded headwater area that contains old forests of mountain gum and recovering alpine ash. Unlike much of the surrounding area, it has only been lightly burnt in recent decades. Logging is likely to yield mostly low value products like pulp. How can the destruction of a pristine catchment be allowed for pulp and pallets?
Why this area is special and must be protected. Extra background materials here.
FoE guided walk to the Little Dargo, Jan 2023. Brief report here.
Radio news story on the Little Dargo and why it must be protected. May 2022.
A report on our visit to the Little Dargo to look at previous logging in the Jones Creek area. FEB 2022.
Our campaign work
1/ Fire and the Alps
Climate change driven fire poses an existential threat to the mountain forests of the Victorian high country. While there is a state government program intended to help Alpine Ash forests remain viable, there is as yet no targeted program for the Snow Gum woodlands.
Read our report An Icon at Risk, which details the many threats to the Victorian high country. AUG 2021.
We are delighted to announce that we will be co-hosting the first ever Snow Gum summit, which will bring together academics, land managers, Traditional Owner groups and people interested in the high country to hear the latest on threats to snow gum woodlands. Check here for details. FEB 2025.
Report on our forum ‘Climate change and the Victorian Alps - preparing for the fires of the future’, held at Mt Hotham September 2022.
Read the story from The Age/ Sydney Morning Herald Ghost forests: Australia's snow gums under threat from climate change. December 2023.
Read our story The ghost forests of the high country, published in the Patagonia Roaring Journals. September 2023.
Report on our citizen science fieldtrip to the Dargo High Plains to investigate localised loss of Snow Gum woodlands due to repeat fire. JAN 2022.
Longer fire seasons put our national parks at risk. JAN 2022.
An introduction to the FoE snow gum citizen science project. NOV 2021.
2/ The Ash recovery project
'Ash forests’ – forest comprised of Mountain Ash, Alpine Ash, or sometimes both – are some of the most iconic forest types in Victoria, or even the world. Covering around 500,000 ha of Victoria and stretching from the Otways to the north-eastern boundary with NSW, few who spend time in these forests – like driving along the Black Spur north-east of Melbourne - are left unimpressed by these tall trees. They are also home to species like the Leadbeater’s Possum and Greater Glider.
These forests have a complex relationship with fire: these forests can live with some fire - but not too much. Scientifically known as ‘obligate seeders’, after severe bushfire, ash forests are killed, but prolifically regenerates from canopy stored seed. The important point here is that these slowly regenerating forests cannot produce seed for 20 years after they regenerate from fire. This means they are highly vulnerable to shortened fire intervals – the exact challenge that land managers in Victoria are facing with climate change.
You can read about our work to ensure adequate funding is allocated to the Ash Recovery programs within the Victorian government.
3/ Citizen science program
Check the events section below for details on our various citizen science fieldtrips.
In collaboration with Latrobe University, we are currently negotiating to establish a long term monitoring program within the southern part of the Alpine National Park. This will collect data about how snow gum woodlands are recovering from recent fires.
4/ Our guided walks program
For the past three years we have offered a range of guided walks to areas at risk from logging or climate change driven fire. We will announce walks for the summer of 2024/25 shortly.
5/ Challenging unsustainable harvesting of softwood plantations
Working with local environmental groups, FoE tracks harvesting of softwood plantations in north eastern Victoria to ensure the environmental impacts of harvesting are minimised.
Background information available here.
Our views on how plantations in the north east could be better managed (available here).
More recent events at the top.
Coming up:
Snow Gum summit. FEB 14 - 16, 2025.
We are hosting a 'snow gum summit' which will bring together land managers and academics and anyone interested in the future of this iconic species to explore what needs to be done to ensure the survival of snow gum woodlands, and put the issue firmly on the state governments agenda.
You can rsvp here and we will send you full details as they are confirmed.
Previous events
FUNdraiser Art Auction for the Forest Collective
What: FUNdraiser art auction, Friends of the Earth Forest Collective
When: Online from mid August and in person Sunday 15th September 2024. 12 noon to 5pm.
Where: In person event at Bright Brewery, 121 Great Alpine Road, Bright.
Snow shoe tour, August 2024
We hosted a snow shoe tour to visit fire affected snow gum forests in a rarely visited area of the high country near Paw Paw Plain. Saturday August 31, 2024.
A visit to the Ghost Forests
In April 2024, we hosted a walk to visit the fire impacted snow gum woodlands near The Fainters, on the Bogong High Plains.
Guided walk to the Little Dargo.
The next walk will happen over the Cup Weekend (November 4 - 7, 2023). The walk itself will happen on sunday November 5. You are invited to join us to camp on the saturday evening.
Further details can be found here.
Snow gum citizen science fieldtrip.
Monday November 6, 2023. This is the monday of the cup weekend.
This will largely be a guided walk to visit some areas affected by recent fires to gain a sense of what recovery is happening. While it will be a series of brief walks, it will involve off track walking in and over fallen logs, etc.
Further information can be found here.
Mobilising the outdoors community
Saturday 2nd September 2023, 2:00pm to 4:30pm, Upstairs at The General
Outdoors people can see the changes that are coming to the mountains and wild places we love. How can we act effectively to protect these places?
Come along and hear from a range of outdoor groups and to learn about how they are mobilising the outdoors community and achieving lasting change.
Happening as part of the Victorian backcountry festival.
Snow gum walk
A collaboration between Friends of the Earth and Protect Our Winters.
On Saturday the 2nd of September, as part of the Victorian Backcountry Festival, Cam Walker from FoE will be leading a tour near Mt Hotham to share his knowledge of the snow gums.
You can find out more and rsvp here. This is a free event.
Guided walk to Mt Wills.
May 20, 2023.
Mountain roadtrip - March 2023
This will be a chance to explore some great places in the Victorian high country while also supporting efforts to protect native forests from logging. FoE has been focusing on three key areas in the Alps: Mt Stirling, the Little Dargo, and Mt Wills, near the state’s highest mountain (details can be found in our report here). This trip will focus on the Mt Wills area and also visit the upper Mitta Mitta (Big) River.
You can join the roadtrip for a day, or come along for the whole trip. Participants will need to be self sufficient in terms of vehicles, camping gear and food (we are happy to help co-ordinate ride sharing for those who are keen). We will need to put a limit of 20 on participants of the full trip in order to be able to fit into campsites and manage our impact. There is no fee for joining the trip.
FoE is planning a series of roadtrips this year, each in a different part of the state. Stay tuned for details of future trips.
The itinerary
See below for details on each public event that is happening as part of the road trip.
- TUESDAY 14: travel to Bright. Members meetup from 5.30 -7pm.
- THURSDAY 16: Mitta Mitta action on the river – highlighting the threat of logging in the headwaters of this important waterway. (Full details soon). Camp at Big River campsite
- SATURDAY 18: public day walk up Mt Wills with aerial footage of the area and banner on the summit. Walk to visit the proposed coupes. Details here.
Climate change and the Victorian Alps - preparing for the fires of the future
Report on our forum - which was held at Mt Hotham in September 2022.
Please support our work
If you like what we do, please consider supporting us with a tax deductible donation (here).
A new Friends of the Earth group is being established to work in the north east. To find out more, or get involved please check the facebook page for the group.