This community walk on has been cancelled because of the fires
Like everyone in the state, we are hoping the fires are brought under control as soon as possible and hope that all affected locals are safe.
Community action against the pipeline continues
Monday February 9 2009
WHAT: A peaceful community action against the construction of the North-South pipeline through a designated Special Protection Zone (SPZ) in the Toolangi State Forest. A group of people will occupy a section of the pipeline route that is currently being logged and will aim to stop work on the project for the day.
WHO: Friends of the Earth and local residents affected by the pipeline construction.
WHERE: The group will meet at the Toolangi Community Hall (C J Dennis Hall) on the Healesville-Kinglake Road, (Melways Key Map, Page 10, Q2; Melbourne Day Tours Map Page 910, Q11). This is about 5 km east of the major junction of the Kinglake-Healesville (Toolangi) Road and the Melba Highway. Allow at least 90 minutes to drive from inner Melbourne.
WHEN: Monday February 9th. We will meet at Toolangi Hall at 8.30am. The group will then convoy back to start the walk on to the worksite at 9am, parking near the main junction of the Toolangi and Kinglake Roads and the Melba Highway. We will park at the obvious area just east of the main junction (and just near the pipeline staff buildings which are visible from the junction).
WHY: The action aims to highlight the ecological impacts of the pipe, especially the incursion into special protection zone (SPZ) 340/02, offer support and solidarity to rural communities, and call for wiser water policies which will secure our future needs without destroying forests or damaging inland river systems.
The pipeline route has cut through much of it's planned route through the Toolangi forest. The cutting zone is now being extended down towards Dixon's Creek and is within a kilometre of a fourth Special Protection Zone, SPZ 340/02 which is another Linear reserve established to provide connectivity between the Kinglake Ranges National Park and the Dandenong Ranges National Park. The route doesn't just cross this SPZ, it runs through it for over 700m and within it there will also be a 15m diameter water tank and an additional permanent access track in the SPZ. This action will highlight the major ecological impacts attached to the passage of the pipeline through this SPZ.
FURTHER INFORMATION: Cam Walker, Friends of the Earth 0419 338 047
Steven Meacher 03 5962 9008