The Bayindeen fire that ran across the mountains of Ben Nevis, Mt Cole and Mt Buangor in western Victoria destroyed multiple homes, damaged many buildings and human assets and killed an unknown numbers of farm animals. The damage to forests and native animals was truly enormous, with mass deaths due to the hot, fast moving fire and the fact that so many habitat trees were destroyed.
Since the fires, a handful of dedicated individuals have been assisting native wildlife who had been impacted by the fires. From providing feed to collecting and caring for burnt animals, this work is largely unseen but incredibly important.
These people all volunteer their time to assist native animals. They would appreciate your support in order to be able to continue to do this work.
Here are some local carer groups that are active at present. Please support them if you can.
Central Goldfields Wildlife Shelter
Based in Maryborough. We have set up this gofundme to help raise much needed funds to go towards food, formula and consumables! Every donation helps.
If you could please share & help us with raising funds to go towards the rescue, rehabilitation and release of native wildlife.
Contact details
0499 654 950
Snake Valley Wildlife Shelter
‘A nonprofit organisation dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating native wildlife’. To donate click this PayPal link >
Contact details
0409 358 581
Gordon Wildlife Alliance
The Alliance acts as a clearinghouse where requests for help can be shared. It also has lots of information about how to care for injured native animals. It supports carers in the following ways:
- Fundraising – helping registered carers and shelters afford the resources they need, as most get nothing from the government
- Practical resources – supplying carers with things money can’t buy, like fresh grass, foliage & flowers for animals in care (See Browse Project) or equipment,
bedding etc - Community Liaison – Linking carers and local residents to help build biolinks and connected corridors of canopy, and locate safe but free forever homes for
rehabilitated animals - Wildlife Advocacy – Speaking up on behalf of all native species and their habitat, promoting animal welfare and protecting habitat (See ongoing Save Gordon Koalas campaign, and Bluegum Koala Crisis campaign)
- Community Education – Coordinating workshops and supporting carers to present training about wildlife rescue, pouch-checking, making nestboxes etc.
- Online Resource Development – Collating resources of benefit to rescuers, carers and wildlife enthusiast and providing a central hub to share vital information (via Website and multiple social media platforms)
- Rescue Equipment Library – Building a collection of equipment and resources needed for rescue to loan to new rescuer recruits (This can include unexpected needs
such as inflatable rafts and life-jackets for on-water rescues, climbing safety gear, ladders, night-vision gear, hard-hats and so on)
Contact details
Email: [email protected]
Woodlands Wildlife Rescue
Trevor = 0438 677 672 Leesa = 0421 722 095
Donations to: Woodlands Wildlife Rescue Inc - Bendigo Bank. BSB= 633000 Acct =198762049
Hepburn Wildlife Shelter
Gayle Chappell
Please email [email protected] for a tax reciept.
Account Name: Hepburn Wildlife Shelter
BSB: 633 108
Account Number: 1254 01760
Donate via Cheque
Please email [email protected] for a tax reciept.
Cheque Payable to: Hepburn Wildlife Shelter
Mailing Address: PO BOX 133, Daylesford, Victoria, 3460, AUSTRALIA
5 Freedoms Animal Rescue and East Trentham Wildlife Shelter
Manfred Zabinskas - 0438 681 501
Account Name: Five Freedoms Animal Rescue
Bank: NAB
BSB: 083-515
Account No: 8133 33160
If you know of other groups who are active in wildlife rescue and rehabilitation please let us know and we will add to this list: [email protected]