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Stand with the people of Anglesea against more coal

shut_it_down.jpgThere is a rally and march being held this Sunday, 10 August 2014, at 11am in Anglesea.

Please stand with Anglesea residents as they unite to reclaim their town from coal mining.

The rally organisers want to prevent:

- The planned significant expansion of the existing coal mine into the Anglesea Heath
- Air pollution affecting our most vulnerable citizens
- The possibility of coal export out of Anglesea through Geelong
- Loss of tourism revenue and local jobs
- Declining real estate values

If you are concerned about any (or all) of the above, please attend the SHUT IT DOWN rally and have your voice heard. This is a Family Friendly event.

SUNDAY 10 AUGUST at 11am at Anglesea Skate Park opposite the shops towards the river.

Organised by Surf Coast Air Action.

Friends of the Earth is proud to be supporting this event.


Full details (and to rsvp) here.


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