This night will feature tales of anti-coal communities, resistance and creativity from near and afar.
- Drew Hutton, Lock the Gate Alliance.
- all the way from Canada, Saku, a mining-justice campaigner and member of the talented Beehive Collective and Testament, author and hip hop artist.
- Julien Vincent will outline the new Friends of the Earth campaign called Market Forces.
With 2 lots of VIP (Very Inspirational People) in town, we could not help but call a celebration.
Thursday Jan 31, 7pm - 10pm
Downstairs at FoE, 312 Smith Street, Collingwood (just near Jonson street).
This night will be about hearing tales of anti-coal communities, resistance and creativity from near and afar.
Drew Hutton, who you may know from such groups as Lock the Gate, or TV appearances every other week, will join us, bringing news of those in NSW and QLD defending their towns and farms from CSG.
AND... all the way from Canada, Saku,a mining-justice campaigner and member of the talented Beehive Collective as well as Testament, the author and hip hop artist, will both be in the building, providing entertainment and a glimpse of what our Northern Hemisphere friends and up to.
Friends of the Earth Australia has also launched a new campaign called Market Forces, focussed on helping Australians keep their money out of environmentally destructive projects – for instance, ANZ funding new coal mines. Julien Vincent will outline what our campaign will be up to in 2013.
You will hear briefly about our coal and CSG campaign plans for 2013.
So, come along, hear about what FoE/ Quit Coal will be up to this year, meet other members and supporters, have some fun. There will be beer for sale, some food for gathering over, and music for making you feel good.
* term borrowed from the very clever Beehive Collective
You can rsvp here: