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Vic Liberal Party Mocked over Head-in-the-Sand Approach to Climate Change

On Saturday 10 November, around 100 community members have formed a human sign in the shape of the Liberal Party logo on St Kilda Beach to mock Matthew Guy and the opposition’s head-in-the-sand approach to climate change by doing just that: putting their heads in the sand.

Community members concerned about climate change are deeply frustrated that the opposition has failed to deliver a climate policy, with Victoria less then two weeks away from a state election.

"Despite having had four years to come up with a comprehensive policy, Matthew Guy and the Liberal opposition have no plan to rein in emissions and protect Victorian communities from climate impacts if elected on November 24," said Act on Climate spokesperson Anna Langford.

The event was organised by Friends of the Earth’s Act on Climate group and included community members from the environment movement, union movement and other local groups.

Meanwhile, the federal Liberal government have dismissed the findings of the latest IPCC report warning that we have 12 years to halve the amount of emissions we currently produce in order to avoid climate breakdown.

"This is a strong community statement that it is unacceptable for the Liberal Party to have no serious plan to act on climate change," Anna Langford said. 

"The Liberal Party’s poor position on climate change depressed their electoral prospects in the Wentworth by-election. Matthew Guy and the Liberal opposition are exposed to the same voter backlash in Victoria."

Unchecked climate change leaves Victorians exposed to impacts such as intensifying droughts, bushfires, heatwaves, extreme weather, and rising sea levels.

Victorian is already feeling the impacts of dangerous climate change. 2018 has seen winter bushfires in Cape Conran, a heatwave in April and drought conditions in East Gippsland that affects agricultural production and the livelihoods of Victorian communities.


  • Get Involved in our week of action on climate change before the election
  • Sign the petition calling on opposition leader Matthew Guy to uphold the state's climate laws.
  • Support grassroots community action on climate change by making a donation.

Authorised by C.Walker , Friends of the Earth Melbourne, 312 Smith St, Collingwood, VIC 3066

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