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Nuclear frontlines - no waste dump in SA

N_waste_site_SA_May_2016.jpgPublic forum, Tuesday May 24

Australia is once again talking nuclear waste, both on a national and international level - and targeting South Australia. This is an issue that concerns all Australians but particularly targets Australia's Aboriginal people. Come and spend an evening with us to learn about what is happening and what can be done!

The forum will bring Adnyamathanha Traditional Owners Regina and Vivianne McKenzie, whose land in SA's Flinders Ranges is being targeted for a national nuclear waste dump to Melbourne to talk about their struggle and what we can do to help.

Other issues will include nuclear policies in the context of the upcoming federal election; the plan to turn Australia into the world's nuclear waste dump; and the use of nuclear medicine as a propaganda tool by industry and governments.

Tuesday May 24

6 – 7.30pm

Northcote Town Hall (189 High st, Northcote)


Regina McKenzie | Adnyamathanha, SA
Vivianne McKenzie | Adnyamathanha, SA
Alex Bhathal | Federal Greens candidate for Batman
Dr Margie Beavis | Medical Association for Prevention of War
Dr Jim Green | Friends of the Earth (
MC: Dave Sweeney | Australian Conservation Foundation

Free admission. Bookings (not essential):

Facebook page for the event here.

For background info and to watch short video statements by Regina and Vivianne, please visit

Contact: [email protected], ph Jim 0417 318 368

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