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Nuclear Free News April

In our April Nuclear Free News update you can read about Australia's contribution to the nuclear situation in Ukraine, a deeply concerning development in the proposed WA Mulga Rock Uranium Mine project and


The war in Ukraine: Nuclear power, weapons and winter - Dr Jim Green- Pearls and Irritations

On Australia’s contribution to global nuclear risks

Uranium mining

Under the shadow of Fukushima and Juukan Gorge: Deep Yellow uranium takeover poses deep risks at Mulga Rock - CCWA & ACF Statement

Environment groups are troubled by recent merger between WA uranium hopeful Vimy Resources and Deep Yellow. The Mulga Rock uranium project east of Kalgoorlie is now under the leadership of a team with a track record of over-promising, under-performing and literally blowing up cultural sites.


Nuclear Power

Talking nuclear and 'the smoke and mirrors game of shadows' - Noel Wachope in Independent Australia

Noel Wauchope tests the "nuclear" facts in an interview between former CEO of Australia's Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANTSO), Dr Adrian (Adi) Paterson, and pro-nuclear enthusiast and Sky News host Chris Kenny.

“No prohibitions”: Renewables funds can be spent on fossil hydrogen and CCS, officials say -


AUKUS hypersonic announcement will ‘escalate global tensions’, warns CND - Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

FAST TRACK TO ARMAGEDDON - Peter Cronau in Declassified Australia
Australia’s hypersonic missile development, rather than promoting peace in the region, is helping ignite an arms race and increasing the chance of conflict.

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