Community action group Stop HRL and Friends of the Earth have reacted angrily today to the Environment Protection Authority's decision to approve the staged construction of a new coal-fired power station for the La Trobe Valley.
Friday, 20 May 2011
Community action group Stop HRL and Friends of the Earth have reacted angrily today to the Environment Protection Authority's decision to approve the staged construction of a new coal-fired power station for the La Trobe Valley.
'Coal-fired power is Australia's biggest single source of greenhouse gas emissions. We need to be moving towards clean renewable energy, not continuing our reliance on polluting brown coal’ said spokesman Shaun Murray.
‘This power station will contribute to climate change and harm the health of the many Morwell residents who live close by.'
'The EPA has clearly failed in their responsibility to protect the health of Victoria's environment and people. A record 4000 Victorians made submissions to the EPA opposing the proposed power station but they EPA is clearly disregarding community concerns.'
'Today's announcement marks the start of a community campaign which will ensure that this power station does not go head’ he said
HRL Limited, which is rated in the top of 50 of Australia's most polluting companies, must raise private capital to build this power station. We want investors to know that this project is not supported by the Victorian community, and is not a wise investment.' Mr Murray concluded.
For comment
- Shaun Murray, Stop HRL 0402 337 077
- Cam Walker, FoE 0419 338 047
About the proposed power station
The proposed new 600MW HRL ‘Dual Gas’ power station received the first stage of its works approval from the EPA today. It has been described as 'clean coal' technology. Despite relying on a mixture of synthetic gas (produced from coal) and natural gas, it nevertheless is still as dirty as a black coal-fired power station.
Public money is being used to fund this project, with the primary financiers currently being the federal government ($100m) and the state government ($50m). The expected total cost of the project is expected to be over $1 billion.
About the Stop HRL Collective
The Stop HRL Collective is a community based action group comprised of activists from local climate action groups, universities and Friends of the Earth.
On 11 April 2011 the group staged a sit in of government offices at 1 Treasury Place, calling on the State government to withdraw the $50 million of State government money committed to the HRL project.
For more information: visit