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Minister to Investigate Pumping Approval

The first river flows in 3 years are making their way down the Darling Barka, but its a bittersweet sight for communities excited to see the first flows but outraged to see them disappear into private dams.

The headwaters haven't even run the course of the river, but NSW Water Minister has allowed pumps to be turned on across the catchment.

Thats not right, its time to Flood The Minister!

The good news is, thanks to calls and emails from everyday people, Melinda Pavey has announced an investigation into the water management on the Darling Barka!

This is a win for the people and animals that depend on the river for life. See the breaking news on ABC Broken Hill's Facebook page.


Email Melinda Pavey Now

She has already received hundreds of emails and she's feeling the pressure! 

The Minister says this investigation is for "the sake of transparency," something that has been lacking throughout the implementation of the Murray Darling Basin Plan.

Its a welcome first step, but a lot more needs to be done before this sacred river is back to its former glory. 

Increase your impact and call the Minister!
02 8574 7300 

A wrong move now could prove disastrous for communities and the unique ecosystems along the Barka.

Call her and say:

"Thank you for you effort to increase transparency but we need the embargo in place while the investigation is underway." 

We know the law requires critical human needs and priorities stock and domestic water uses and environmental protection over irrigation and private water storages. Thats why we need the pumping stopped immediately, because this investigation won't be complete until August.

Lets Flood her Inbox - Email Now

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