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'Clean Coal is a Dirty Lie,' say cleaning ladies

Press Release

Friday September 26, 2008


"Clean Coal is a Dirty Lie," say cleaning ladies.

The Climate Cleaning Ladies have taken to Flinders St. Station to see if there is such a thing as clean coal.

"We have been scrubbing coal all morning and all that's happened is we're now covered in coal dust, and as dirty as the coal," said Sadie Brown of the Climate Cleaning Ladies.

"Mr Rudd and all his coal industry friends keep telling us there can be 'clean coal,' and it will help fight climate change. We are very concerned about climate change, so thought we would start cleaning coal to get the ball rolling."

Unfortunately it does not seem to work, and now we are all as sirty as the coal, and climate change hasn't been halted. We now think clean coal is a dirty lie."

"The Climate Cleaning Ladies will not give up however. If Mr Rudd is happy to put hundreds of millions of taxpayers dollars into finding ways to clean coal, perhaps he can give us some money to buy new scrubbing brushes and aprons to further research for this illusive 'clean coal' idea."

"We are now realising clean coal is a dirty lie! We do hope Mr Rudd does not give up on climate change, as we have on the idea of clean coal. We hear there are many renewable energy alternatives to coal that do not damage our planet, are known to work and are good for workers as well."

"Perhaps Mr Rudd would like to sit down with us to have our cake, and eat it, with a nice healthy cigarette and continue to think of a way to find this mythological so-called clean coal," said Ms Brown of the Climate Cleaning Ladies.

The Climate Cleaning Ladies are part of a series of national climate actions including the occupation of Kevin Rudd's electoral office on Monday, the Greenhouse Mafia visiting Victorian Parliament on Tuesday, and the occupation of MP Martin Ferguson office on Thursday. The series of actions are timed to coincide with the release of latest figures on the extent of Artic ice melt - on track to be completely gone in summer by 2013.

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