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Momentum builds for ambitious climate targets after Andrews govt delivers a record cut in electricity emissions

Victoria’s latest greenhouse gas performance data has been released. And it shows that momentum is building for bold and ambitious Emissions Reduction Targets. 

In just one year, the Victorian Renewable Energy Target has delivered a record 17 percent emissions cut in the electricity sector. 

Our rapid analysis of the data shows that Victoria is now is on a trajectory to achieve a 37 percent emissions reduction by 2025 and 52 percent reduction by 2030.

This finding has implications for the Andrews government's imminent decision on the interim Emissions Reduction Targets. 

Given Victoria's improving emissions reduction performance, we believe the lower end of Greg Combet's recommendations to the government should be off the table.

We've long argued that the government should set science-based targets inline with the global goal of keeping heating below 1.5C. Community members across the state and heavy hitters such as the Victorian Trades Hall Council, Victorian Council of Social Services, and Environment Victoria agree.

In recent weeks we've seen a tremendous a shift on climate action at the global level. It has left PM Scott Morrison looking like a shag on a rock and created space for Victorian climate leadership. 

The election of Joe Biden as United States President will see the country rejoin the Paris Agreement and eliminate electricity sector emissions by 2035. The United Kingdom has committed to cut emissions by 68 percent by 2030. 

Global leaders Denmark and Scotland—countries with a comparable population to Victoria—who are way out in front with targets to cut emissions by 70-75 percent over the next decade.

This is the level of ambition we need Premier Dan Andrews to deliver for Victoria. 

If you haven't already, please email the Premier today to acknowledge the Clean Recovery budget and urge him to set science-based Emissions Reduction Targets.

The COP26 conference in Glasgow in November 2021 is a key moment in global efforts to tackle the climate crisis. Now's an ideal time for Victoria to set ambitious targets and show the Federal Coalition what climate leadership looks like. 

You can count on Friends of the Earth Melbourne pushing for maximum ambition right up until the targets are announced... 

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