public forum: the implications of a new international climate agreement. Tuesday May 12
talk climate
the implications of a new international climate agreement
What are the prospects of a new climate agreement being reached at Copenhagen in December? What do different countries want and how will it affect them? Will it be just and will it solve the climate crisis?
Professor Robyn Eckersley, University of Melbourne, Damien Lawson, Friends of the Earth Australia and Julia Dehm, local climate activist will lead the discussion.
6.30 pm Tuesday May 12
Climate Action Centre
Lvl 5, New Building, Victorian Trades Hall
Cnr. Victoria & Lygon Streets, Carlton South
talk climate is a monthly forum and discussion on current and critical problems of climate change, hosted by Victoria’s new Climate Action Centre. Wine and refreshments by donation.
Info: [email protected] or 9639 3660
Supported by Friends of the Earth