Practical skills for advocacy and campaigning.
This 6 week course is designed to give a broad overview of skills needed to be an effective campaigner. From community organising, to social media and fundraising , we will give you a great set of tools to take away, increasing your skills, and developing better capacity in the area you work.
From March 23rd to May 1st, Melbourne.
This 6 week course is designed to give a broad overview of skills needed to be an effective campaigner. From community organising, to social media and fundraising , we will give you a great set of tools to take away, increasing your skills, and developing better capacity in the area you work.
From March 23rd to May 1st, Melbourne. Click here to register and for more info.
Brought to you by FoE, CounterAct, and the Melbourne Campaigners Network and supported by the Kimberley foundation.
What it looks like:
Weekend introduction – March 23/24th at Common Ground, Seymour, Victoria
4 weekly evening sessions – Tuesday 1st April – Tuesday 22ndApril, Melbourne – CBD
Final closing day Saturday May 3rd
Cost: $180 concession/ $220 waged. Includes all catering.
Applications for full sponsorship positions can also be directed to this address, and payment plans are available. The program is supported by a grant from the Kimberley foundation and the places are heavily subsidized to support participation by grassroots campaigners.Please feel free to contact us with any questions via email [email protected] or phone 9419 8700.
Modules covered:
Telling the story of your campaign – Digital & social media – Community organising – Sustainable activism – Traditional media – Fundraising –– Campaign strategy – Theories of change – Working as allies to marginalised groups –- Facilitation & group dynamics … and more
Who is it for:
The course is designed for individuals working on grassroots campaigns who are relatively new to community activism or campaigning, or people with a moderate experience who would like to diversify their skills. We welcome people working in a range of fields – from environment, to human rights, to public transport and social justice campaigns.