The Green Pledge is a new Friends of the Earth campaign that involves taking 5 personal actions for one week to limit your carbon emissions to 50% of the average Australian. By getting friends and family to sponsor you for your efforts, you can raise awareness and funds to help tackle climate change. This year The Green Pledge is taking place from the 17th-23rd of October. Funds from these donations go directly to Friends of the Earth and all contributions are tax deductible. Check out The Green Pledge website here!
You can choose your 5 personal actions from 9 options. Options include eating vegetarian meals, taking public transport and having 2 minute showers. See "Your 5 Steps" to choose what your Green Pledge week will entail. We encourage people to take on both simple and challenging commitments, to see what you can do! Beyond the week, we hope that participants will adopt some of these changes into their everyday lives as they realise the benefits of these alternatives.
Carbon emissions are a key contributor to anthropogenic climate change. By reducing our carbon emissions, we can help reduce the dangers of rapid climate change including more frequent extreme weather events and rising sea levels. Australia has one of the highest per capita GHG emission rates on the planet, and we can play a big role in reducing global emissions.