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Switch off the CPRS: switch on renewables

On 27 March 2009 people concerned about climate change around the country will be taking action at the office of their local federal Labor politician to tell them we need to reduce greenhouse emissions, not pay polluters.

Switch off the CPRS: switch on renewables

When the government announced their dismal 5-15% emission reductions targets dozens of community groups took to the offices of dozen of federal parliamentarians in disgust.

On the first parliament day of 2009 , over 2,000 people encircled parliament house to call for immediate greenhouse emissions reductions .

It's time to tell the government that its carbon pollution reduction scheme is a crazy plan which rewards big polluters and does nothing to protect our planet. It's time to demand real action on climate change; 100% renewable energy by 2020 and a move away from fossil fuels.

On 27 March 2009 people concerned about climate change around the country will be taking action at the office of their local federal Labor politician to tell them we need to reduce greenhouse emissions, not pay polluters.

When: 27th March 2009

Why: Because we stand at a crossroads in history. The facts are undeniable. Global climate change, caused by human activities, is happening. We’re facing a manifold and deepening crisis to which the government's CPRS is half baked response.  Nothing is more important than a safe climate future, and we have very little time to turn this polluting policy around.

What: Sit-ins at the office of federal Labor politicians.

To find out about sit-ins your electorate or great information and how-to kit about organising your own action see: OR contact Louise on [email protected]

If you can't make it to an sit-in your own electorate come to the office of Lindsey Tanner, MP for Melbourne, 280 King St Melbourne, 12pm.

For information about protests at the office of:

* Kelvin Thompson, Member for Wills, 3 Munro Street, Coburg, contact Ellen on [email protected]

* Lindsey Tanner, Melbourne for Melbourne, 280 King Street, Melbourne, 12pm contact Pablo on [email protected].

* Martin Ferguson, Member for Batman, 159 High Street, Preston, contact Carol on [email protected]

* Jenny Mackin, Member for Jaga Jaga, 149 Burgundy Street, Heidelberg, contact Bridgit on [email protected]

* Peter Costello, Member for Higgins, contact Sue on [email protected]

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