Friends of the Earth have welcomed the reappointment of Lily D’Ambrosio as Minister for Energy, Environment, and Climate Change, saying a steady hand will guide policy in Victoria while policy chaos continues at the Federal level.
“The reappointment of Lily D’Ambrosio as the minister for climate change and energy is good news for efforts to tackle climate change,” said Leigh Ewbank, FoE climate change spokesperson.
“With climate and energy policy chaos continuing at the Federal level under the Coalition, a steady hand is needed in Victoria to rein in emissions and help Australia meet its international commitments."
Friends of the Earth urge Minister D’Ambrosio to ramp up investment in climate change solutions to build on the successful Victorian Climate Change Innovation Partnerships (VCCIP) grant scheme.
The $4.3 million grant scheme launched by Minister Lily D’Ambrosio in June 2017 attracted over 240 applications, yet there was only enough funding available to support 24 projects across the state.
“Minister D’Ambrosio is keenly aware of the strong appetite for funding support in the community,” said Leigh Ewbank.
“Lily D’Ambrosio can supercharge community efforts to tackle climate change by securing a dedicated fund for climate action in the next state budget.”
Minister Lily D’Ambrosio has the expanded responsibility for the Solar Homes program that will contribute towards meeting the state’s legislated Renewable Energy Targets and Emissions Reduction Target.
In 2019, the Andrews government will make decisions about Victoria’s first interim Emissions Reduction Targets (ERTs) for 2025 and 2030.
“With the Federal government failing to act on climate and the world’s leading scientists urging politicians to triple their efforts,” said Leigh Ewbank.
“The Andrews government can show political leadership on climate change targets by ensuring the ERTs are consistent with the best available science.”
- Email Premier Daniel Andrews today to call for him to establish a Victorian Climate Change Action Fund.
- Support grassroots community action on climate change by making a donation.