Are you interested in getting involved in our campaign to get environmental issues onto the agenda of all political parties in the buildup to the November 29 state election?
We will be holding an information night on 18 February at FoE from 7pm - 8pm.
Please feel free to come along to find out more about our campaign. We will be active in both metro and regional seats.
Tuesday February 18, upstairs at FoE (312 Smith street, Collingwood, just near Johnston Street). At 6.45 for a 7 pm start. (til 8pm). Please enter via the side door in Perry Street. Please feel free to drop by.
Check here for further information on our work here and volunteer roles we are hoping to fill.
The four key policy commitments that FoE is seeking from political parties are listed below.
1/ we are calling for a permanent ban on any new coal and gas mining operations in key areas in Victoria.
This should include a ban on any exploration or production in:
· productive agricultural areas
· drinking water catchments, rivers, and ground water supplies
· urban areas, and areas marked for future urban development
· all public land including state forests, land leased to plantation companies and all conservation reserves
2/ we urge the Parties to rule out any further coal allocations or development of coal infrastructure
3/ we call on the Parties to commit to re-write the Baillieu government’s VC82 anti-wind laws.
4/ we believe that a commitment to developing a state-based Renewable Energy Target (VRET) would drive regional employment and investment, and help Victoria start to drive down greenhouse gas emissions.