Friends of the Earth was a founding member of this campaign which was launched in 2013. It brings together communities across Melbourne that are opposed to the East-West toll road.
These communities are opposed to the East-West toll road because they know that another inner city toll road will add to our traffic crisis rather than improve our quality of life and economy by enabling efficient mobility.
Friends of the Earth was a founding member of this campaign which was launched in 2013. It brings together communities across Melbourne that are opposed to the East-West toll road. These communities are opposed to the East-West toll road because they know that another inner city toll road will add to our traffic crisis rather than improve our quality of life and economy by enabling efficient mobility.
The goal of PTNT is to stop the expensive East-West project - a tunnel and toll road that could cost Victorian taxpayers up to $18 billion - and demand our money be invested in public transport infrastructure. FoE understands that freeways will further entrench Melbourne's reliance on car traffic, and that greater emphasis is important to improve air quality and protect the natural environment.
The campaign is financially supported by the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) and auspiced by FoE. We have two part-time campaigners, Cait Jones and Danae Bosler, who work alongside an amazing team of volunteers from community groups across Melbourne.
For further information, please check here.