The climate change negotiations held in Copenhagen were a disaster for the world's poor. This forum, being held in Belgrave on thursday the 18th of February will address the question of where we could be going on climate campaigning in 2010.
Public forum thursday 18 Feb. Earthly Pleasures Cafe The climate change negotiations held in Copenhagen were a disaster for the world's poor. The chances of reaching a binding global agreement on climate change now appears ever further away. Yet climate change is real and already happening. As a global community we must act now to radically reduce our emissions. But what are the options for climate change campaigners here in Australia? How should we respond to the failure of Copenhagen? How and where should we be campaigning? This forum will address:
There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion. This is a free event Organised by Friends of the Earth. We welcome local community and environment groups to set up an information stall. For further information, please call 9419 8700, e: [email protected]
[the 'flood' for climate justice, Copenhagen, Dec 2009]