In February 2010 Martin Ferguson announced his plans to dump nuclear waste at Muckaty Station in the NT despite being fully aware of the opposition of many Ngapa and other Traditional Owners.
There will be a protest outside his office, this friday April 30.
THIS FRIDAY APRIL 30, 9.00-11.00am
Where: Martin Ferguson's office: 159 High St, Preston
(just south of Bell St).
Bring banners, instruments, placards, family & friends.
In February 2010 Martin Ferguson announced his plans to dump nuclear waste at Muckaty Station in the NT despite being fully aware of the opposition of many Ngapa and other Traditional Owners.
Last week Muckaty Traditional Owners came to Melbourne to campaign against a nuclear dump on their lands at Muckaty and asked for support in their fight.
April 30 marks the final release date for the senate report tabling the new National Radioactive Waste Management Act.
The proposed legislation overrides the Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984. As a back-up plan, Ferguson's draft legislation overrides all state/territory legislation banning the imposition of nuclear dumps.
For more information please see the FoE website:
and also check out:
Please support Traditional Owners fighting to keep their country clean!
Contact ACE(Melbourne): [email protected]
Cat 0434 257 359 or txt Madeline on 0407702139