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Our best chance to stop unconventional gas drilling in Victoria

front_page_of_card.jpgToday, Avant Card has started to distribute thousands of cards around Victoria urging people to support a permanent ban on unconventional gas drilling.

With a state government Inquiry into this industry currently underway, this is the best chance we will ever have to stop this destructive industry before it gets established in our state.

The Committee is due to release it's interim report on September 1.

'Fracking' (hydraulic fracturing) for gas has caused groundwater contamination and is incompatible with farming because of it's large and invasive footprint, massive demand for water, and industrialisation of the landscape. As yet the industry has not become established in Victoria.

For details on why unconventional gas drilling will be bad for Victoria, please check here.


Please help us stop this industry.


Find out more about the state inquiry into unconventional gas. Details on the Inquiry, public hearings, and how to get involved available here.


Uncon_gas_inquiry.jpgSign one of the Avant postcards and return it to Friends of the Earth.


Please sign our petition calling for a permanent ban on unconventional gas drilling in Victoria.

Available here.


Please write to your local paper.

The Committee running the Inquiry have heard loud and clear that there is strong community opposition to UCG drilling, and strong support for an outright ban. We need to amplify this call by flooding the newspapers with letters over the next three weeks.

  • Please write to your local newspaper.
  • Please write to The Weekly Times and Stock and Land.
  • Please write to The Age and Herald Sun.

Please encourage your friends, workmates and families to do the same. This will have a real impact on both the committee and the government.

The Age. or [email protected]

The Herald Sun.

Stock and Land. [email protected]

The Weekly Times.

A brief letter is good. Simply explain your concerns about UCG. Say that with a state Inquiry going on, we will never have a better chance to stop the industry. The draft report from the Inquiry is due out on Sept 1. Urge the committee and all political parties to support a permanent ban on UCG and fracking in Victoria.


Please write to the Premier, Daniel Andrews.

Cut and paste the letter (see below) and email to him.

[email protected]

Please cc in the following:

[email protected]


Please write to the Coalition

We need to build cross party support for a ban. Otherwise any recommendation for a ban could fall prey to party politics.
The Hon Matthew Guy, Leader of the Liberal Party, Leader of the Opposition

Urge Mr Guy to support a permanent ban on all forms of UCG.

You could cut and paste text from our petition.

[email protected]


candidates_forum_2_Mirboo_North_Oct_2014.jpgWhere do the Parties stand?

Who supports an outright ban?

The Victorian Greens

The Sex Party

James Purcell, Vote 1 Local Jobs “There are too many unknowns, too many concerns and way too many risks. I have no doubt we need a permanent ban.”

Who supports an extended moratorium?

Australian Country Alliance. 'ACA does not support fracking until there is indisputable and independent evidence that it is safe, especially for underground water reserves'.

If you vote for a party who is not on this list, please write them and urge them to support the call for a permanent ban on all forms of unconventional gas in Victoria.


Tweet like crazy

Possible tweet. Please be creative and use the hashtag.

#uncongasinquiry is our best chance to stop this industry. I support a permanent ban on fracking & UCG

Members of the Committee:




Other key politicians:







Please share our posts from

Facebook and Twitter.


Or you could send them an email.

It can just be a simple message, saying you appreciate their efforts in working on the Inquiry into Unconventional Gas, and urging them to support a full and permanent ban on all unconventional gas drilling in Victoria.

 [email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected], [email protected] [email protected] [email protected][email protected]

Get your group or business to support the call for a permanent ban

If you are an active member of any type of business, group or community, please ask them to support the call for a ban on UCG drilling (see the wording below). 62 regional communities have declared themselves coal and/or gasfield free so far.

Please add your name to the list: whether you're with a sporting club, a local business, a local Church congregation, or a land care group. Email the name of your group (and location) to [email protected] and we will publish a list of all sign ons in late August in an open letter to regional newspapers, as well as posting this to all MPs on the Committee.

'Our organisation/ business supports the call for a permanent ban on all forms of unconventional gas drilling in Victoria, including shale, tight and coal seam gas (CSG).'


Join our metro campaigns team

FoE has worked hard over the past five years to support regional communities in their opposition to new coal and gas proposals, and in support of renewable energy initiatives. In 2015 we will to start to ramp up our work in metro communities.

We are looking for people to join our campaigns team. We will be working initially in up to five suburban electorates and a number of regional centres to build support for our policy agenda on climate and renewables. We will be carrying out community polling on attitudes to energy, building support for our renewables and climate efforts, visiting MPs, and generating local media and profile.

If you would like further information, or would like to get involved, please contact Cam. [email protected]

Sept_20_Frack_rally_poster.jpgCome to the rally

Working with a range of groups, we will help host a large 'Farmers and Friends against Fracking' rally on Sunday September 20 (the draft report from the committee is due on Sept 1) to make it clear the community wants an outright ban on this destructive industry.

Stay tuned for details in the coming month.


Get a lock the gate sign for your house or property


Get involved in a regional group

There is a list available here.


Support our work with a donation.

You can donate or become a member here.


Stay up to date

Check Coal and Gas Free Victoria's website.


Letter to the Premier

The Hon Daniel Andrews

Premier of Victoria

cc: Hon Tim Pallas, Treasurer

Hon James Merlino, Deputy Leader of the Labor Party


Dear Premier

I appreciate that your government has initiated a Parliamentary Inquiry into the Unconventional Gas (UCG) Industry.

We are fortunate to still have the opportunity to stop the industry before it gets established in our state.

Victoria is a densely populated state. Agriculture and food processing are the cornerstones of our economy. The experience of the unconventional gas industry elsewhere in Australia and overseas shows that this industry impacts negatively on farming. There are problems with all forms of UCG – coal seam gas, tight gas and shale gas.

The UCG industry does not have social license to operate in Victoria. This is shown by the fact that more than 60 communities have declared themselves coal or gasfield free.

I urge you to use this Inquiry to close off Victoria to this destructive industry. This is our best chance to learn from the problems and damage that has been caused by this industry elsewhere. An onshore UCG industry will be negative for Victoria in environmental, social and economic terms. Some short term benefits for a few will leave long term pain for farmers, communities, ground water and the environment.

I urge you to place a permanent ban on all onshore unconventional gas drilling in Victoria.

Yours sincerely


Ute_sign_East_Gippsland_2014.pngCoal and/or gasfield free declarations

As of late August, 64 Victorian communities have declared themselves coal and/or gasfield free.

It is clear that this industry will not be able to gain a social license to operate in the communities where it wants to drill.



(Average level of support for declaration 95.9%)


Poowong North

Poowong East



The Honeysuckles

Glomar Beach

Harmers Haven

Yarragon South


Mirboo North










Perry Bridge

Goon Nure





Maffra West Upper

Tinamba West

East Bairnsdale



Newlands Arm

Eagle Point




Western Victoria

(Average level of support for declaration 91.3%)

Deans Marsh




Mt Moriac


Freshwater Creek









Drik Drik


North Dartmoor








Nth Byaduk









Cape Bridgewater





Mt Duneed


The Sisters


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