We Walked All the Way!
What an epic day! Together we raised over $20,000 for Friends of the Earth's grassroots campaigns for social and environmental justice.
We're so grateful to our community who showed up, donated, and shared their time and energy with us.
#FoEWalkThisWay is a team effort, and we couldn't have done it without you.
Check out this epically cute vid made by a #FriendOfFoE
Government to protect old growth, transition native forest industry
Friends of the Earth and Goongerah Environment Centre have welcomed the Victorian government announcement of protection of 96,000 hectares of forests in eastern Victoria and the ‘complete and immediate’ protection of 90,000 hectares of old growth forest.
This has come after years of hard campaigning by many groups and people across the state. It’s a great announcement but we need to see the full details and maps to ensure the announcement results in lasting and effective protection of these forests.
Our initial reaction is here.
We’re working to get all the details needed to make a final statement on the plan.
The details on what we do know can be found here.
Nature for Life Rally
It’s very clear from the current state of Victoria’s environment that bold action is needed by the Andrews Government to protect the places and wildlife we love – our National Parks, forests, rivers, beaches, oceans, native plants and animals.
On Thursday 28 November, the fifth anniversary of the election of the Andrews Government, environment and community groups from across Victoria will rally together to demand real action to protect Victoria's nature.
Join us to call for a step up in protection for nature across Victoria - our National Parks, forests, grasslands, rivers, beaches, oceans, native plants and animals
45 Years Radio Series
As part of the celebrations for Friends of the Earth Australia's 45th Birthday, our Dirt Radio team have been working to produce a retrospective radio history series on 3CR looking back at the amazing work FoE has done over the years.
This has involved interviewing people who have been involved with a number of different campaigns over the years, from Anti-Nuclear, to Anti-Roads to the Food Coop.
It has been so inspiring to revisit some of the historic moments in our history, look back on the radical roots of the organisation and make connections to the work we still do to this day.
The series is well underway and can be listened to LIVE on 3CR 855AM or online every Tuesday from 3-4pm. Podcasts of the show are now available on 3cr.org.au/ActingUp.
Proposed nuclear waste dump in South Australia
The Federal government is trying to impose a radioactive waste dump in South Australia, despite State legislation that makes them illegal, opposition from Traditional Owners and a truly flawed plan that’s done nothing but cost money and divide communities.
With a ballot just finished in Kimba and another underway in the Flinders Ranges, the Government has indicated that there will be an announcement about the proposed national nuclear waste dump site in early 2020.
Please support the communities of the Flinders Ranges and Kimba by sending a submission to the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science.
All the info you need to write a submission is at www.foe.org.au/have_your_say.
A submission to the Federal Government is the only way to make sure your voice is heard if you live outside the ballot area - and it only takes a minute. You can use this online proforma and either use the existing text, edit to suit, or you can write your own submission!Submissions can be made by:
Email: [email protected]
Post: The Department of Industry, Innovation and Science
National Radioactive Waste Section
GPO Box 2013, Canberra ACT 2601
Online: Write your own or use our online proforma here
Everyone likes dumplings, but no one likes dumps.
Get friends, family and co-workers together, eat dumplings and say NO to nuclear waste in SA by hosting a “Dumplings not Dumps” session.
Share - Take a photo and post with #DumplingsNotDumps and email to [email protected]
Submissions close on 12 December 2019.
FoE to Launch Climate Impacts Map
We know the ice caps are melting and the Great Barrier Reef is bleaching, but what climate impacts are happening in our own backyard?
FoE's Act on Climate collective has put together an online interactive map of climate impacts to help answer the question.
On Wednesday 27 November, the collective will launch the map of Victoria which highlights examples of local climate impacts that are already being felt across the state.
Please join us at the Kathleen Syme Library in Carlton on Wednesday 27 November to be among the first to see the map and hear from special guest speakers.
Community Concert: Sounding the Alarm on Climate in Inverloch
The coastal town of Inverloch is on the frontline of climate impacts in Victoria.
The town has seen dramatic beach erosion since 2012 as rising sea levels and intensifying storm surges slam the coast.
The Surf Club and nearby Bunurong Road are exposed to the elements.
Friends of the Earth and the Bass Coast Climate Action Network are holding a community concert on Sunday 1 December to sound the alarm about the climate crisis.
Join us for 'Sound for Climate', a FREE all-ages event in the heart of Inverloch with musicians, guest speakers, food trucks, and more.
Event info is available on Facebook
Make a contribution to our crowdfunding campaign to help make it happen.
Party like it's 1969!
Community Rally - 50th Anniversary of 1969 Transport Plan
It's 1969. Yellow Submarine has just been released, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin take their first steps on the Moon, television is still black and white, and Melbourne's first Transport Plan is out.
It's 2019. Heatwaves, bushfires, and sea levels rising are ravishing our planet. Climate change is getting worse and our carbon emissions continue to rise. Yet, more and more cars are used due to efficient alternatives, and there's no new transport plan in Melbourne to guide a transition.
Feeling like times' a' changin'? Come along for the 50th Anniversary of 1969 Transport Plan!
Join the conversation in planning other ways of moving around the city, for a decarbonised, better-connected, more liveable Melbourne. Let's ask for a Transport Plan which takes into account 2019's challenges, and not 1969's! With speeches, music and friendly faces!
Dress up in your best 60's outfit, let's party like it’s 1969!
Wednesday 27 Nov, 10-10.30am, Victorian Parliament Steps.