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National Climate Emergency Rally - June 13

Join thousands around Australia in calling for real action for a safe climate.

1pm State Library Saturday, June 13

National Climate Emergency Rally - June 13

1pm State Library Saturday, June 13

Join thousands around Australia in calling for real action for a safe climate.

NOW is the time for taking action on climate change. Drought, bush fires, floods and rising seas are already hitting hard. It’s an emergency and we need emergency action. In December 2009, governments of the world will meet in Copenhagen to create a new global climate agreement. Australia must support - not stop - strong global action. We can tackle the recession and climate change together. Direct investment in renewable energy will create jobs, stimulate the economy and begin to create the carbon-free economy of the future.

• 100% renewable energy by 2020. Australia must make the shift from fossil fuels to 100% renewable energy from wind, solar and other available technologies.
• Green collar jobs not job cuts. We can renew our economy by creating hundreds of thousands of ‘green jobs’ and supporting workers to make a fair and just transition to sustainable industries.
• Strong international action with climate justice. Australia must take the lead in global climate talks, not undermine them with an ineffective 5%-15% target. Globally, we must listen to those who are most affected by climate change and least responsible for it.
• Don’t pass the Carbon Pollution law. We need climate policies that make the big polluters pay and not allow big companies to go on polluting. The CPRS won’t reduce Australia’s greenhouse pollution.
• Protect Australia’s Forests. Logging and clearing vegetation are major contributors to climate change as forests and woodlands are important carbon stores.

Only a strong and growing movement for change will make a difference. 03 9639 3660

On June 13 thousands of Australians in every capital city will join together in National Climate Emergency Rallies.

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