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Make a submission about the impact of the bushfires on forests and wildlife

The 2019/2020 mega bushfires had a heartbreaking impact on our forest ecosystems and killed or displaced nearly 3 billion animals, some of which were already threatened species. 

Despite the Black Summer bushfires, in March 2020 the state and federal governments rolled over controversial Regional Forest Agreements, which give logging an exemption from federal environment laws and allow logging to continue 'business as usual.'

However, due to the campaigning of environment groups, a new clause in the renewed RFAs was introduced, where a significant event (like the 2019/2020 bushfires) can trigger a Major Event Review. Now, the government are calling for public submissions about the Major Event Review of the bushfires, due Tuesday August 31 at 5pm. 

The review is an investigation to help form a comprehensive picture of the impact of the bushfires and could present an argument for why unburnt forests must be protected from logging (and why burnt ecosystems must not be further damaged by 'salvage' logging). 

Logging continues at a devastating scale right now. This is your chance to make your voice heard and stand up for our surviving forests and wildlife by making a submission to the Major Event Review on the impact of the bushfires.


Upload your personalised written submission HERE. 

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