Come along and hear about some of the great local environmental projects and activities underway in the upper Ovens valley, and how to ensure the mountain forests of north eastern Victoria are protected.
This gathering will feature the following speakers (more to be confirmed):
- Graham Barrow, president, Sustainable Upper Ovens
Sustainable Upper Ovens (SUO) is community-based organisation formed in 2018 aimed at helping householders and small businesses to adopt improved energy efficiency measures, switch to renewable energy and maximise opportunities to reduce, reuse and recycle our resources.
- Martyn Paterson, Upper Ovens Valley Landcare
Landcare has several projects underway in the Upper Ovens Valley, including riverside restoration projects, and an initiative to re-establish the threatened Omeo Gum.
- a representative from Bright Brewery will give us an insight into the brewery's efforts to reduce their carbon footprint and become more sustainable.
- Alana Mountain, forests campaign co-ordinator, Friends of the Earth
Alana will talk about some of the special places in the high country at risk of logging, including the headwaters of the Little Dargo River and forests between Mt Bogong and Mt Wills.
- Cam Walker, campaigns co-ordinator, Friends of the Earth
Cam will discuss some of the key statewide environmental issues and how we can achieve a faster transition away from fossil fuels and native forest logging into more sustainable industries.
It is a free event and we ask people to rsvp here so we can plan for numbers.
We will be in the front beer garden. Bright Brewery is hosting us. You are welcome to purchase drinks and/ or dinner from the brewery to support this good locally owned business.
This event is happening as part of FoE's mountain roadtrip (running from March 14 - 19). Full details here.
There is also a facebook event page here.