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Unconventional gas Inquiry gets underway

farmland_film_header.jpgFriends of the Earth media release. May 7, 2015

Friends of the Earth has welcomed the announcement of the process and timelines for the state inquiry into unconventional gas.

“The terms of reference are broad, and the Environment and Planning Committee has the ability to consider any additional issues that are raised during the inquiry” said Friends of the Earth campaigns co-ordinator Cam Walker.

“Once all the evidence is presented, we believe that the government will have a compelling case that will require a permanent ban on all on-shore unconventional gas drilling. A growing number of states overseas are placing bans or long term moratoriums as the impacts of fracking become more apparent. Victoria has the ability to lock the gate to this destructive industry before it gets entrenched.”

“The unconventional gas industry has been disastrous in other densely populated areas in Australia and overseas. Agriculture and food processing are a cornerstone of the state’s economy. The government has acknowledged this fact in its first budget, delivered earlier this week.”

“It is essential we don’t put our best farming land at risk for some short term profit for a handful of companies.”

“Based on the gasfield free community declarations that have been made to date, it is clear that this industry will never get the social license it needs to be able to operate in Victoria. The sooner all Parties recognise this fact, the better”.


Further comment

Cam Walker 0419 338 047

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